I respect your church

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Dear Roman brothers & sisters in Christ, as an Orthodox Catholic Christian I have my disagreements with you because of my eastern perspective. However, I respect your traditions and I respect your defense of the Christian faith throughout the ages, no matter how bad things at the time got. And again though we are no longer in communion, I believe your Church is a legitimate continuation of the ancient Orthodox Catholic Church in the west. I hope this is mutual. I pray for you. It makes me sad when I see scandals and disagreements within your Church. I am praying for you. Please pray for us too.
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I’m praying for you too. Maybe one day we can #MakeChristendomUnitedAgain
Thanks my friend.

I love the Eastern Churches. Been to Eastern-rite Church for Mass many times which is very similar to your liturgy.
Who knows, one day we’ll be in communion with each other . GOD works in a mysterious way! GOD bless! 😇😇😇
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Let us love Christ Jesus together 😍👑:pray:t2: You are our brothers, separated only by a little time.
Thank you. You’re position is echoed by many Catholics, as well as being essentially the official position of the Roman Catholic Church which regards the EO as being “true Church” with apostolic succession, etc. I think its getting to be time we begin to appreciate what unites us and what we agree on rather than emphasize any perceived differences, especially since, with honest consideration, our positions are strikingly similar after centuries of virtual isolation.
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There is an awful lot more of what we’re in agreement on, that what we disagree about.
May God bless you.
Thank you and may the Lord in his mercy guide us to heal the wounds we have riven in his Mystical Body, so we can breathe the Spirit again with both “lungs.” 🙏
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I’m Ukrainian Greek Catholic but have Russian Orthodox cousins. Four years ago, I briefly visited one of my Russian Orthodox cousins. She is in her 70s and still keeps ALL the fasts, including the traditional Eucharistic fast from midnight. Her story inspired me so the next year I tried keeping the traditional Great Fast. (It’s getting a little easier each year.)

We are family but can’t pray together. 😥

Prayer dictated by Our Lord Himself to +Sister Lucia:

Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
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Don’t forget the Eastern Catholic Churches! We’re part of the Mystical Body of Christ too!
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