I struggle with the divinity of christ

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No,my issue isn’t with the trinity,or with the bible actually being against the divinity of christ(i think anyone can read the bible carefully and see the contrary).My issue is that i am not sure i can believe christ is himself god.I am not sure what he has done is enough to prove he is god.For all i know he could be simply a more “superior” kind of entity, able to do certain actions(miracles) that impresses man to a great degree.I do not want to go away from christ for i feel a great pull towards him,but this doubt is killing me.

How can i know that christ is truly god?Yes,i have already heard about the prophecies that came to be true,christ resurrection,how true his teachings are.I am not going against them,in fact i believe them.But i still cannot see how this is proof enough to make me(without a shadow of a doubt) fully believe in christ.
I think the answer is faith. Faith is a gift. The Bible tells us many times that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself. Faith allows us to believe this. You will not find the “evidence” you seek, but rather you need to beseech God to open your eyes so that you receive the light of faith. Obviously, God is working in you and leading you to this. If you pray consistently for it, you will be given it. Prayer requires work and humility, so don’t give up.
But i still cannot see how this is proof enough to make me(without a shadow of a doubt) fully believe in christ.
Do you believe that Christ is trustworthy? You seem to.

If so, why do you not take His word for it?
I suggest you invest some solid, focused, careful time in listening to the writings of the New Testament. Listen to the teachings of Christ, and of those who listened and learned from Him. Listen carefully to the accounts of all that He did - because the total of what He did with what He said, all comprise His Gospel.

Don’t make a “speed-read” of this! Listen slowly, and listen again and listen some more.

If your heart is right, you will begin to hear what only God could have known, said and done.
Then you will know, no mere man could have known, done and said these things. This is of God.
I am not sure what he has done is enough to prove he is god. For all i know he could be simply a more “superior” kind of entity, able to do certain actions(miracles) that impresses man to a great degree.
He also claimed to be God and used God’s Holy Name (“Before Abraham was, I AM” - John 8:58)

If He was lying, then He was breaking the first commandment and setting himself (as an idol) in the place of God - and God would have taken away His miraculous power. God would’ve also struck him down as He did Baal. But since Jesus did those miracles and had that power, the only logical answer is that He is God.
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So you believe in God and the Bible but not Jesus?
It doesn’t get simpler than John chapter 1 where it states that Jesus is the logos and He was with God and He was God.
… But i still cannot see how this is proof enough to make me(without a shadow of a doubt) fully believe in christ.
Gospel of Luke 16, the parable of the rich man in hell speaking with Abraham:
25 And Abraham said to him: Son, remember that thou didst receive good things in thy lifetime, and likewise Lazareth evil things, but now he is comforted; and thou art tormented.
26 And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.
27 And he said: Then, father, I beseech thee, that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house, for I have five brethren,
28 That he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torments.
29 And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance.
31 And he said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead.
My issue is that i am not sure i can believe christ is himself god.I am not sure what he has done is enough to prove he is god
God doesn’t go around “proving” that he’s God. You wanting proof is like those people standing by the cross saying, “If you’re the son of God, prove it, save yourself, come down off that cross.”

As Limoncello said, faith is a gift. Pray that you receive the gift and keep your mind and heart open to it.
So you say that you believe many of the things that Jesus are did like HIS teachings and miracles are true but are unsure on HIS identity.
Is HE really GOD? Well HE did say HE is. The Apostles believed HIM.
If HE is NOT GOD then HE is a liar!
And a liar could not deceive everyone unless some pretty powerful entities didn’t assist HIM.
So who could these entities be, what would be their motives for deceiving the Christian human race.
See the premise makes no sense. Either HE is GOD or we have no faith. St. Paul did state this much already!
I learned Jesus is Truly God by realizing/accepting 3 things:
  1. I want the greatest peace and joy possible.
  2. I recognized patience maintains peace and kindness builds joy, therefore the greatest patience and kindness yields the greatest peace and joy, therefore I made patience and kindness my main mission.
  3. Then I recognized the greatest patience and kindness humanly possible is being patient and kind, even in the face of unjust cruelty, through death, which Jesus demonstrates this greatness in his passion and crucifixion, because Jesus is truly God because he achieves and shares the means to the greatest peace and joy possible, aka Heaven!
Thank you for sharing your struggles, and may you find the patience and kindness for the peace and joy of Christ sooner than later!
No,my issue isn’t with the trinity,or with the bible actually being against the divinity of christ(i think anyone can read the bible carefully and see the contrary).My issue is that i am not sure i can believe christ is himself god.I am not sure what he has done is enough to prove he is god.For all i know he could be simply a more “superior” kind of entity, able to do certain actions(miracles) that impresses man to a great degree.I do not want to go away from christ for i feel a great pull towards him,but this doubt is killing me.

How can i know that christ is truly god?Yes,i have already heard about the prophecies that came to be true,christ resurrection,how true his teachings are.I am not going against them,in fact i believe them.But i still cannot see how this is proof enough to make me(without a shadow of a doubt) fully believe in christ.
Jesus said the Father and I are one. Christians believed it and were killed and persecuted for 300 years for it. That is good enough for me.
Perhaps try a different approach.

Instead of trying to work out if Jesus has proved himself to your satisfaction (this didn’t work for most of the people He met), look into the question of why God cannot be anything except a Trinity and why Creation only makes sense if God dies for the race He has created. Then ask yourself, what other candidate is there?
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The virgin birth. Jesus’s mother couldn’t tell anyone about it. No one would believe it. Who could? No, heaven must reveal that to someone in order to be believed. Impossible to believe otherwise. But it is believed for many people for a very long time. The virgin birth points to the Incarnation. No one comes to Jesus unless the Father draw them. If that weren’t true Faith in Christ wouldn’t exist. Yet it exists so much that In the West year 1 is when Jesus was born. Could anyone but God make this happen? I think only God can hinge all human history on events impossible to believe.
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Why do you need proof? You dont need a proof. You have a choice. To follow Christ or to follow who knows who. Even if He is not God, you are much better following Christ than anybody else. I mean, choice is logical. When you choose Christ, then the Gift of Faith will work in you and the rest will be history.
But you gotta choose. Without any proof. Pure choice.
You should read the first 18 lines of the Gospel of John.
Perhaps the problem is not that you fail to see reasons for it, but a lack of faith, which is given by God.
If so, you should pray that your difficulty be resolved.
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If someone is struggling, I’d suggest consider the Eucharist. There are many elements to consider including Eucharistic Miracles to the fact Jesus saying that He is the Eucharist itself and whether any but God himself could do such.
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For all i know he could be simply a more “superior” kind of entity, able to do certain actions(miracles) that impresses man to a great degree.
Sometimes it is wise to doubt your doubts or to analyze the likely veracity of a doubting thought. Believing that “superior” kinds of entities exist, is a greater step of faith than simply believing the New Testament, and the witness of countless believers throughout the 2000 year history of the church. How many other “superior“ kinds of entities have you met in your life, or have you had reliable historical testimony about?

Of course he is superior, but of course it is because he is who he said he is.
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