Hello, I posted about this under Liturgy and Sacraments (considering this is a sacrament) not realizing there is a whole section dedicated to vocations, so I am greatly sorry! But to my question. So I am a 16 year old who is in high school, and my parents and I are starting to talk about my future. However I really think I might want to be a priest! I mean there is just something about the priesthood that grabs my interest, plus it just feels right. I really never see myself living a family life, and I really want to a live a life fully dedicated to Christ. I have been praying to God asking him if this is what he wants me to do. This is a big commitment and I know I have a few years to see if this is truly right for me, but any advice at how I can go about such a calling at my age would be appreciated. Whether there are any programs I can get involved in, or if you have any tips! Whatever it is I am all ears! I want to get in contact with my parish priest but I am not sure if I will be able to considering he is our only priest and very busy.