I think I may start a Christian Heavy Metal band some day, hear me out

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Would anybody think it’s weird if I said I think I may be in one of those Christian heavy metal bands someday? Sorry, but I love to tell this story and I really would like some (name removed by moderator)ut on it.
OK, so I was at a Youth Conference in South Carolina last June, and we were meditation on Psalm 139: 23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
As I was doing this an image of me playing guitar popped into my head (among other things:blush: ) and I wondered if my guitar playing was sinful. I talked with my youth leader about this and he said that it wasn’t in sin, but that maybe God was trying to tell me something. So I prayed about it some more, and I had this feeling that God wanted me to be in a band.

Fast forward 2 weeks later to family vacation in SC:

I was praying on the beach about this, and I had a vision of a person (I think it was on older version of me) with a band behind him, playing an amazing solo infront of 60,000 or so people in a packed stadium. I kept pressing into this as the days went on and God eventually revealed more and more of the vision.

Fast forward 3 months later, near end of summer break:

I was praying about this vision, and at the end I saw a spinning newspaper (like in the old cartoons) with the words “National Sensation” and “Household Name” repeating themselves in my head.
I’ve also noticed seemingly secular experiences have added to this including:
-I’m taking Psychology/Sociology classes next year and think that this will help me when writing lyrics to choose what words to use to evoke certain feelings and responses
-I’m really good at guitar
-I can play drums, all manner of percussion, and a little keyboards
-I have 2 songs written and people really liked them

Your thoughts?

Btw, for band names, I thought of Creeping Death OR Agent Orange
Sorry, brother, but I see a number of red flags here. First of all, you should talk to a good priest about your “visions”, and you should include any other relevant parts of your life (Obama comes to mind 😦 ). Heavy metal is not inherently evil (unless it’s bad 😃 ), but the music industry is very evil - I know, first hand. It is very easy to be lured into sin - “seduced” - when you’re surrounded by sin, and temptation. So I hope if you’re going to pursue this you will make sure you have a strong foundation of faith, and always remember to put God’s will before everything else, so you don’t start down that slippery slope. And avoid the regular industry as much as possible. If you’re very good at guitar then I would say you should definitely find a way use that gift, along with your other talents. And how about a good Christian sounding name for the band? Something like “Risen” (which is already taken). Good luck to you, and you can PM me if you want to learn from some of my experience. :cool:
Those visions sound demonic rather than divine.

Giving up the thing and detaching from it entirely as a way to better understand it and judge it yourself. Speak to your priest about it.


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, ora pro nobis…
I few years ago I had a vision that OctoV invaded earth and demanded two males from every family to serve in his army and help him conquer the know galaxy (for some reason I wanted to type ‘milkshake’ here). What a day that would be!
Sadly, it has not come true 😦 Somehow, it would be funny to see this little kid conquering the earth.

I add this twocents, however:
Music is a form of art, a form of self-expression. You would say that god gave you this self-expression to express your love for him, no? Although metal is seen as a ‘darker’ form of composition, nevertheless you still have christian punk rock bands (Outer Fringe, to name one I discovered years ago, but never really listened to). Can an attraction to something be immoral if your love of god stays the same, or better yet, increases?

Yeah. Chew on that.

Or… it could be seen as blasphemy of some sort, but on a positive note it could be seen as a light shining through to the darkness.

[Edit] On the names, you may actually do better staying away from Christian names. You have bands like Lamb of God that naturally you’d think, “Hmm, Lamb of God, what a pleasant name.” And the last thing you expect is a metal band.
Anyway, by naming a Christian name and having a metal band… it’s like starting off on the wrong foot.

Don’t name the band until you know who’s in it. People like being a part of choosing a name and that will give them something to grasp.
Use your talent to bring the message of Jesus to the world, not to bring acclaim to yourself. Offer it to Christ as a living sacrifice.

If He is first, then, use the style of plaing that best brings people to HIM.
well i think if it’s Christian and its moral it might be a good thing…but doing it for fame and glory shouldn’t be your reason. You should do it because you love God, want to serve Him with your whole heart, and because you could use it as a way of bringing His word to others!

If your doing it for material reasons – i dont think its worth it…
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