I think someone in my class is gonna have an abortion

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I wondered what I could do, when someone in my class seem to be choosing to have an abortion. I know her, but we aren´t friends and we aren´t normally talking to each other. The reason why I suspect so is that I overheard her speaking with her friends yesterday about pregnancy etc. but when she noticed that I hear a slight part of their conversation she laughed nervously and just talked normally with them. And today I´ve heard someone else in my class talking about that it´s good that she found out about it early etc…

Due to the knowledge of this, I´ve been posting even more pro-life stuff recently on my Facebook page to lowkey try to affect her reasoning. What else can I do rather than praying for her? I could message her, but it seems quite unnatural as we don´t normally communicate and she knows what I think either way as she follows me on Facebook.

Thanks in advance.
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You don’t know the situation fully you are piecing together stuff you overheard. Pray for that person and be friendly.
I wouldn’t have thought so. Either you are wrong and you would be way overstepping the mark and causing a very difficult situation for the girl, or you are right and sadly her mind is made up. She sees the stuff on your fb page and you can pray for God to work in her heart. It’s more likely that you can get through to her by being loving and caring than going up outta nowhere and trying to argue pro life. Ask God to give you the right way to be around her and pray for her
Yes I agree, pray for her and ask God to give you an opportunity if he wants you to intervene in any other way. But even then just let her talk ask questions etc. if she wants to. Despite how awful a sin this is, you can’t force anyone to change their mind (if indeed that is what is going on) and her free choice must be respected (Almighty God allows that so we must too). Commend her to God, as he is in control of all. I wouldn’t post too much more in case it prevents her from seeking help from you, but let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. God bless.
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