I know that evangelizing can be hard at times, and I also know that when I was living up to my neck in sin like a selfish schmuck, I really hated when people started talking to me about God. with that being said though, I also know that we are supposed to “Preach the Gospel at all times, whether convenient or inconvenient.” and I also know that Jesus says, “If you are ashamed of the Gospel, I will be ashamed of you.” When I first had my conversion, I literally thought that I was going to go out and convert the world overnight, obviously that didn’t happen. I try not to be pushy with people, especially as much as I used to be, because a wise man once told me, “what you have is a gift.” I know that we are supposed to treat people with compassion, and than we can catch more flies with honey, that we can with vinegar. I also know the saying of Saint Francis of Assisi. “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” I always try doing the best with the situation that I’m placed in, and I have become much better (by the grace of God) with knowing that sometimes God gives us the words, but sometimes what we need is silence, patience, humility, and we just need to pray & persevere. I offer nobody any apologies for being crazy in love with God & for being crazy in love with His Catholic church, but it just seems that I lose more friends, either way I handle things sometimes. I will sometimes bring up something I read in Scripture, or something I heard a Saint say in timely fashion, when in conversation with friends and family. I will do this in a very nice way, while I’m also trying to inject some humor in it at the same time, and most of the time, all I still get is an awkward silence, some eyes rolling, and the conversation quickly gets changed. Many times I will just not say much when I am in conversations like this, because I honestly don’t care all that much about the trivial things that are being discussed, then people think that I’m angry because I’m not blabbering on about useless things with them, or they think that I’m just silently passing judgement or something like that, when I’m not. I recently opened a Facebook account (sometimes I wonder why I ever did) & I have connected with many old friends. When I first came on there, it seemed that I was the life of the party, and everybody would comment on anything that I had to say, or on any video that I would post. I recently started posting some quotes from some favorite Saints of mine, some interesting videos about lives of some of the Saints, videos about the Shroud of Turin, A movie trailer video for the movie The Thirteenth Day (story about Fatima) and some stuff like that. I also will throw in some other secular stuff, just to keep it interesting for the non religious types, but it appears that I have now lost all of my friends on Facebook, because none of them talk to me anymore. I think that people are hiding my posts now. Do many of you go through this as well? please share your experiences. how do many of you walk this fine line? I have had strangers & coworkers get violently mad at me, because I corrected them for using God’s name in vein, and I have done this in a nonthreatening, joking kind of way, and still have lost friendships over it. Have many of you also had to deal with this kind of bunker mentality from others? How do you do it? Do you ever feel like your on an island with Jesus, and many times its you against the world? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never back down & I will always stand up for what I love, I am just looking for some (name removed by moderator)ut and stories that we can share here together. Pilate chose being popular with people over the truth, and I don’t want to be guilty of that same mistake ever again. God bless you all.