I wanna share this, my experiance with this priest

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Hello all, I feel like I need to share this…

Yesterday wasn’t really a good day, my parents were having a big fight. I was feeling really down in the dumps because my mother was even threatning to leave my father. She did end up storming outta the house angry. She called me later on and told me she loved me so much, but she couldn’t stand to live with my father, and that that was the last time I would see her. I started crying, while my dad was comforting me well, lets just say i didn’t use Gods name in the nicest way, I was angry at him, i HATED God so much, and i was trying to convince myself their wasn’t one, cuz if there was, why would’ve this happened to me. So I told myself, I ain’t going to confession, why am i ganna go tell my sins to a man, when their is no God. Well i laid in bed just wanting to go asleep, cuz i didn’t wanna be up, and I promise people, something told me i needed to go to confession. So i told myself, well i guess i will then, so I told my dad that I wanted to go, and he took me.

When i got to the church, i went inside and sat down where you wait to go into the confessional. I sat there and thought about my life, and i began to cry in the church. When my turn came to go into the confession room, i knelt down, but i couldn’t bring myself to say what i wanted to say, becuase i really don’t like going to confession behing a screen. The priest then told me, "Would you feel better coming around and sitting in the chair, and i said “YES”. So I told him my sins, then told him what was going on with me at home. He then said, “Well, i don’t know why God allows these things to happen, and believe me, if i did, I would be a millionare.” That brought a smile to my face. He then said “When I do marriage classes, i tell the couples that they should let their spouse go, becuase sometimes they will realize what their leaving, and eventually come back”. Then he said “I’m guessing you need a blessing right about now huh?” After he absolved me, he gave me a blessing, and i began to cry like a big baby. And when he was done. i looked up, and he had his hands out to help me up. I got up, and he gave me the biggest hug, and i gotta tell you, i felt Gods love then. After i left the confessional, i felt like I was a new kid. While I was doing my penence in front of the tabernacle, i asked God for a miracle, and so that my parents would forgive eachother, and come together again. The priest is a wonderful person, his name is Fr. Fry, and he now holds a special place in my heart.

People, priest are a wonderful gift from God, this priest showed me unconditional love, just when i needed it. I am really thankful to him, and i would like to say, after seeing the love this man showed me, I feel like my calling to the priesthood is genuine.

I also ask everyone to pray for my parents, that they will make it through these hard times, and my mother did eventually come back.
Thank You for sharing this beautiful story Roman. You are blessed with a truely caring and wonderful priest who could offer you comfort during a painful time.

What a shame that the media only focuses on the rare “bad apple” priest while ignoring the VAST MAJORITY of good priests. Like you, my parish is also blessed with a wonderful priest.

Your parents and you are in my prayers. God heals all wounds if we trust and believe.
Hello all, I feel like I need to share this…

Yesterday wasn’t really a good day, my parents were having a big fight. I was feeling really down in the dumps because my mother was even threatning to leave my father. She did end up storming outta the house angry. She called me later on and told me she loved me so much, but she couldn’t stand to live with my father, and that that was the last time I would see her. I started crying, while my dad was comforting me well, lets just say i didn’t use Gods name in the nicest way, I was angry at him, i HATED God so much, and i was trying to convince myself their wasn’t one, cuz if there was, why would’ve this happened to me. So I told myself, I ain’t going to confession, why am i ganna go tell my sins to a man, when their is no God. Well i laid in bed just wanting to go asleep, cuz i didn’t wanna be up, and I promise people, something told me i needed to go to confession. So i told myself, well i guess i will then, so I told my dad that I wanted to go, and he took me.

When i got to the church, i went inside and sat down where you wait to go into the confessional. I sat there and thought about my life, and i began to cry in the church. When my turn came to go into the confession room, i knelt down, but i couldn’t bring myself to say what i wanted to say, becuase i really don’t like going to confession behing a screen. The priest then told me, "Would you feel better coming around and sitting in the chair, and i said “YES”. So I told him my sins, then told him what was going on with me at home. He then said, “Well, i don’t know why God allows these things to happen, and believe me, if i did, I would be a millionare.” That brought a smile to my face. He then said “When I do marriage classes, i tell the couples that they should let their spouse go, becuase sometimes they will realize what their leaving, and eventually come back”. Then he said “I’m guessing you need a blessing right about now huh?” After he absolved me, he gave me a blessing, and i began to cry like a big baby. And when he was done. i looked up, and he had his hands out to help me up. I got up, and he gave me the biggest hug, and i gotta tell you, i felt Gods love then. After i left the confessional, i felt like I was a new kid. While I was doing my penence in front of the tabernacle, i asked God for a miracle, and so that my parents would forgive eachother, and come together again. The priest is a wonderful person, his name is Fr. Fry, and he now holds a special place in my heart.

People, priest are a wonderful gift from God, this priest showed me unconditional love, just when i needed it. I am really thankful to him, and i would like to say, after seeing the love this man showed me, I feel like my calling to the priesthood is genuine.

I also ask everyone to pray for my parents, that they will make it through these hard times, and my mother did eventually come back.
Hi Ryan, sorry to hear what happened to your parents. Let no one seperate what God has joined together. What you must understand is that you should not blame God for what the enemy[satan] does. Our God is a loving God and a God of unity. On the other hand the enemy comes to divide and destroy. So you get angry which is justifyable but you are directing your anger on the wrong person.[God]. I pray that your parents will begin to forgive each other and join in together the Love God gave them right from the very beginning.You are an example of that Love. I pray that God will restore their marriage in Jesus name. Marriage is not easy work ,it requires giving and taking from both sides,but remember we can do all things in Jesus Christ.Praise God there are vessels Fr. Fry]. the Lord gives us to help us through hard times. They are His Hands, and His Heart.Ill keep you and your parents in my prayers. God Bless you.
Every once in a while some of us are lucky enough to FEEL God’s presence – cherish the memory!

I will be praying for you and your parents. I thank God with you for Fr. Fry and the blessing he has been to you.

I have so often thanked God for the priests He has placed in my life over the years. God bless them all.

Now make your visits with Fr Fry more often,both in the confessional and out.

Invite your parents. Have you told them of your experience?

You might be REALLY AMAZED at what will happen when they make a good confession.
Thanks for all the replies. Does anyone have any similar stories with priest, or nuns, brothers? I think that would be an interesting topic.
well, we are in the incredible position in my parish of having several wonderful priests. fr mike is a great guy, full of love and wisdom. fr keith keeps us laughing. and fr kurt is my favorite. he’s a ninety something year old franciscan priest who comes to our church on mondays to hear confessions and say mass.

i love going to confession with fr kurt. it’s like visiting an old friend. i feel very loved and healthy when i leave the confessional after i’ve met with fr kurt. he bubbles the love of Christ onto all who might pass by. 🙂

how beautiful!

I’m so sorry to hear about your parents fighting, it is really rough to hear all that, my parents fought all the time when I was growing up, and it was so hard for me and my younger brother.

Thank God for Father Fry!

Peace be with you my dear friend!
(((ryan))) your post brought tears to my eyes. thank God for His ability to reach out to you through Fr. Fry - i have had similar confessional stories, but yours is simply beautiful and should stay as the one here since this is your thread 🙂

blessings on you and your family. remember, nothing is impossible for God.

Thanks for all the replies. Does anyone have any similar stories with priest, or nuns, brothers? I think that would be an interesting topic.
Please pray on removing the John Kerry signature.Its time to put the past behind and go forward in Jesus name. God Bless.
Please pray on removing the John Kerry signature.Its time to put the past behind and go forward in Jesus name. God Bless.
i kinda 4got about that, thanks alot.
Dearest Ryan

How beautiful, dear friend, God put the thought in your mind for you to attend confession and then God gave you His love to help you and comfort you by the arms and words of your Priest Fr Fry. God is loving you.

Hand your parents to God before the Blessed Sacrament and trust them to Him. Your faith is strong Ryan, your faith is so strong you did what we all should do, that when we are most hurt, most weary with life, you ran to Jesus and God the Father and God embraced you and loved you. Thank God for your father who drove you to the Priest, thank God for your mother who loves you and doesn;t want to hurt you, neither of them do, marriage is hard work and there will be these hard times.

I will keep you all in my prayers and take you before the Blessed Sacrament. When you are next at Mass place this suffering in the Chalice when the Priest consecrates the wine.

You have had fortitude in suffering when all indicators point to running from God, you ran to Him and how great your reward will be Ryan, Jesus will reward you hundredfold…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

God bless you Ryan and God bless Fr Fry.

I have no doubt there are many more like him, quietly doing the work of God in the lives of people like you and I.

That is a great suggestion, stories about the good and great things that priests have done in our lives. Lord knows they have had plenty of stories lately about bad priests.

Personally, I will always have a special place in my heart for our pastor Fr Ace, because, as a convert, he baptized and confirmed me. He is from the Phillipines, and as you can imagine “Ace” is a kind of nick-name he has acquired as a short form of his first name Asisclo. He is a kind and gentle man, dedicated to his calling, always has a ready smile.
When it comes to the homily, he doesn’t concern himself with tee-off times, but preaches from the scripture readings, drawing sound Christian teaching from that for our everyday lives, kindly, but saying what needs to be said, whether it takes a short time or a long time.
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