I want to be a priest☺

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New member
God give me the Grace to discern and experience this calling in the proper manner.

Hail Mary…
Speak with a Priest or Spiritual Directior about your thoughts.
The reply about talking to a priest or spiritual director is wise (there are also vocation directors).
Why is it wise? It is similar to when the two disciples went following Jesus after John pointed him out.
Jesus turned and asked, “What are you seeking?”
When you call up or ask a priest for his time, he will also ask, “What can I do for you?”
They answered him “Where are you staying?”, wanting to know what it was like being with him.
And you will perhaps tell the priest, “I want to see what it would take to be a priest like you.”
He answered, “Come and see”, and the priest will likely answer, “Come and talk (at this time or that)”.
The two went with Jesus to spend the rest of the day with him, and also called others to come along. You will then go and talk with the priest and find out many things.

It is duplicating the movement of those two disciples when you approach the priest or advisor, and he is duplicating the call of Jesus to you to “Come and see.”
I hope you are able to discern your vocation. Good luck to you and may God bless you in your endeavours.
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