I love this website. It has so much wholesome, sensible information on our Catholic faith. So does EWTN. It’s so sensible I want to share it with my Christian brothers and sisters in my world.
However I have a bad habit of arguing with others and speaking rather pompously at times. I mean, I think I am well aware of what the Church teaches, and I try to make good arguments for her teaching. But I just won’t let an argument die until I’m right. It’s a fatal flaw for an apologist and an evangelizer.
But the guys at Catholic Answers know what they’re talking about. I want to offer them the opportunity to know more about this wonderful website and other sources of Catholic information, because I really do believe if the whole world was practising the Catholic faith and loving God as He intended and has taught us, we would almost be in Heaven.
I know I can evangelise by my good works and my joy as a follower of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But I also want to share the informational truth about our Church. Theology is important (to me, anyway).
How can I share the resources of Catholic Answers with my friends without being an overbearing pill?
However I have a bad habit of arguing with others and speaking rather pompously at times. I mean, I think I am well aware of what the Church teaches, and I try to make good arguments for her teaching. But I just won’t let an argument die until I’m right. It’s a fatal flaw for an apologist and an evangelizer.
But the guys at Catholic Answers know what they’re talking about. I want to offer them the opportunity to know more about this wonderful website and other sources of Catholic information, because I really do believe if the whole world was practising the Catholic faith and loving God as He intended and has taught us, we would almost be in Heaven.
I know I can evangelise by my good works and my joy as a follower of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But I also want to share the informational truth about our Church. Theology is important (to me, anyway).
How can I share the resources of Catholic Answers with my friends without being an overbearing pill?