Two pro-lifers found “Not Guilty” of trespassing at a Las Vegas abortion mill in spite of Judge’s outburst.
Las Vegas, NV - Pro-lifers Nathaniel Enyart and
Operation Rescue missionary Keith Mason were both found not guilty on Thursday, July 28, 2005, of trespassing at the Birth Control Care Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two had faced up to six months in jail and a $1000 fine.
The charges stemmed from an incident in February, 2004, when Enyart and Mason were with a group of young people peacefully picketing the abortion mill on the sidewalk.
"When we were asked to leave the sidewalk in front of the abortion mill, we did immediately," said Mason. "On my way back to my vehicle, one of the officers asked me to stay for a few minutes to discuss the situation. I complied, and was arrested along with Nathaniel."
The pair was put through 18 months of legal wrangling and a trial that was plagued by lengthy delays. In the midst of the proceedings, one judge was forced to recuse himself for bias after launching into "a vein-bulging, red-faced diatribe," according to witnesses.
Judge Cedric A. Kerns handed down a "Not Guilty" verdict for Enyart shortly after the defense attorney's closing arguments on Thursday morning. However, the judge maintained that he had several matters to review and could not finish his verdict for
Mason until the close of a two-hour lunch break.
"After arriving back at the courthouse, I was stunned to hear the judge say 'I want to throw your butt in jail!'" said Mason. "Fortunately, the judge was unable to do so because of two minor details. First, the abortion mill is located at 872 East Sahara Avenue, but the citation I received stated the address as 872 West Sahara Avenue. Secondly, because it was clear on the videotape that I was standing five feet from the property line, it was not possible to convict me of trespassing."
"In conclusion to the long saga of our arrest at the Birth Control Care Center in Las Vegas, God has confounded the enemy with the small things, and used your prayers for another pro-life victory," said Mason. "Each battle truly belongs to the Lord, and all praise to Him for delivering us from our adversaries."