As Christians, God will be harsher on us and hold us to a higher standard than the rest of the world. There is no excuse for sin, yet people sin daily. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes carelessly. People are human. We are prone to error. Why God hold his followers to very high standards, yet not people outside the church? God wants us to be patience. Some vices, personality faults, take years to fully root out. I often repeat the same mistakes. I try not too. I have bad days just like non-Christians. I feel like I have to perfect all the time. Honestly, it is very frustrating, part of me just gives in deliberately to sins, since it seems to make no difference, either way. Some Christians refuse to grow and live comfortably with their minor vices & personality faults. Why does God call us to go above and beyond? Why can’t I be happy with who I am and where am I at? No matter how old I am, I will always have faults, things to be corrected & changed.