and found an item written by my teenage son. He said how much he hated me.
On one hand, I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face. But then, on the other hand, I feel like I was probably doing my job as a parent when the item in question was written.
I’m not sure when he wrote this. I don’t get around to cleaning out closets very much but it was near the top of a pile of sweaters so it probably was written in the past six months or so.
Do I show it to him and ask him about it? Or should I let sleeping dogs lie?
I’m used to little ones raging that they don’t like me (like when I won’t let them eat their Easter candy in one shot) but this is a first with my teenager.
Words of wisdom are requested.
On one hand, I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face. But then, on the other hand, I feel like I was probably doing my job as a parent when the item in question was written.
I’m not sure when he wrote this. I don’t get around to cleaning out closets very much but it was near the top of a pile of sweaters so it probably was written in the past six months or so.
Do I show it to him and ask him about it? Or should I let sleeping dogs lie?
I’m used to little ones raging that they don’t like me (like when I won’t let them eat their Easter candy in one shot) but this is a first with my teenager.
Words of wisdom are requested.