I’m sitting here watching daily Mass on EWTN while I wait for 24 to start and the doorbell rings. I live alone and the only friends I have in the area would call before coming over, so I was a bit hesitant to answer the door as it was most assuredly someone I wouldn’t want to talk to. I answered anyway, just out of curiosity, and my first hunch was right. Standing on my doorstep was a gentleman in a coat and tie (probably in his 40’s), a younger guy and a young lady. The young lady wanted to know if I would like to take a survey on spirituality. Being that this is a subject of great interest to me, I agreed. She started with some rather generic questions: would I consider myself more spiritual/religious than I was 5 years ago, what church I attend, etc. Then she proceeded to ask some questions that, quite honestly, I thought were quite poorly worded. Things like what does Jesus mean to me and the like. Turns out they were Baptists that were a part of the group Evangelization Explosion. Apparently, it concerned them that I wasn’t 100% certain that I would gain entrance to heaven upon my death. They gave me some kind of booklet to read before leaving (I don’t know what it said, it’s in the trash now). Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember most of my admittedly meager apologetics, so I know I didn’t shake their faith, but they didn’t come close to shaking mine either. It wasn’t a stellar performance, but I’m really not accustomed to defending the faith yet. This was actually the first time I’d ever had anybody come to my door to try to convert me, so it was a new experience.