Dear friends,
Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has called for an increase in ecumenical dialogue. Here is a great opportunity for this:
Yesterday I was listening to the radio on my way home from work and I happened to catch the nationally syndicated Christian radio show, Truth Talk Live, which some of you are familiar with. The topic was “What is your Authority?” and host Stu Epperson answered calls, mainly from protestants, explaining why the bible is their authority. He did get a call from a mormon explainly her faith in the Book of Mormon. He was asking for Catholics to call in, but none did and time was up.
Stu was very excited about this topic and said today’s show would be a continuation… Many times Catholics will either be guests or callers on his show and aren’t quite in line with the Church. Other times, along with some of you, I have called in and we have been able to articulate our Catholic faith. As you’ll see below, there are many cities this radio show is broadcast to. These thousands of listeners deserve to hear the truth, and to hear it from the heart of a practicing Catholic.
If you are comfortable with speaking on live national radio and are good with apolegetics (defending our faith) - or know someone who is (please forward email),
the show is live today from 5-6pm - call 1-866-34-TRUTH and may the Holy Spirit speak through you!
Also some cities may not air this show at that time, but if you have access to a computer, listen online at www.truthtalklive.com
Thanks and God Bless!
Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has called for an increase in ecumenical dialogue. Here is a great opportunity for this:
Yesterday I was listening to the radio on my way home from work and I happened to catch the nationally syndicated Christian radio show, Truth Talk Live, which some of you are familiar with. The topic was “What is your Authority?” and host Stu Epperson answered calls, mainly from protestants, explaining why the bible is their authority. He did get a call from a mormon explainly her faith in the Book of Mormon. He was asking for Catholics to call in, but none did and time was up.
Stu was very excited about this topic and said today’s show would be a continuation… Many times Catholics will either be guests or callers on his show and aren’t quite in line with the Church. Other times, along with some of you, I have called in and we have been able to articulate our Catholic faith. As you’ll see below, there are many cities this radio show is broadcast to. These thousands of listeners deserve to hear the truth, and to hear it from the heart of a practicing Catholic.
If you are comfortable with speaking on live national radio and are good with apolegetics (defending our faith) - or know someone who is (please forward email),
the show is live today from 5-6pm - call 1-866-34-TRUTH and may the Holy Spirit speak through you!
Also some cities may not air this show at that time, but if you have access to a computer, listen online at www.truthtalklive.com
Thanks and God Bless!