My husband and I are godparents to two of his sister’s five children; our godchildren are now ages 7 and 10 (their siblings are ages 8,13, and 14. All the children were baptized Catholic, but have not been raised in the Catholic Church, or in any other church. We do not live in the same area, but when we do visit their area, we try to arrange to take at least some of the children to mass with us. They have only rarely visited us, and so we don’t have a very close relationship with them. Through the years, we have sent our two godchildren (and their three siblings) the occasional prayer books, holy cards, etc. We also pray for them. We have asked my sister-in-law several times if she planned to join her local parish and register her children for Christian Formation (her husband is not Catholic), but she has given excuses such as she can’t handle all 5 kids by herself at church (when her kids were younger); they have sports and activities scheduled on Sundays (now that the kids are older); and she doesn’t like that her kids would have to be in “special classes” since they are so far behind.
Has anyone ever experienced this sort of situation, and/or does anyone have any other ideas for helping to raise these children in the faith, as we (and their parents) promised to do at their baptisms?
Has anyone ever experienced this sort of situation, and/or does anyone have any other ideas for helping to raise these children in the faith, as we (and their parents) promised to do at their baptisms?