Ideas on a devotion to St. Joseph?

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I would like to start a devotion to St. Joseph to help me be more focused at work. Any suggestions on what exactly that should entail?
There is a great group “The Pius Union of St. Joseph.” they have a little booklet they send out about devotion to this great saint.

Deacon Tony
I heard somewhere he gets his own special “dulia.” Below Mary but above all the other saints. I forget the actual term used. Anyone know?
I heard somewhere he gets his own special “dulia.” Below Mary but above all the other saints. I forget the actual term used. Anyone know?

Life and Glories of Saint Joseph

Joseph Included in the Order of the Hypostatic Union

WHATEVER God disposes is disposed in a marvelous and perfect order. Wherefore the Church which Jesus came to found on earth imitates the Heavenly Sion. As in Heaven there are angelic hierarchies, and in these ranks there are diverse orders, so also on earth there is a hierarchy of grace, and in that hierarchy are included various orders or ministries, which, according to the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas, excel each other in proportion to their approximation to God. The highest of all these orders, whether angelic or human, is the order of the Hypostatic Union, in which is Christ Jesus, God and Man. By the Hypostatic Union is meant that the Eternal Son of God, in His Incarnation, assumed human nature, and united it to Himself in Personal unity; in other words, that in the one Divine Person of Jesus Christ, the two Natures, the Divine Nature and the Human Nature, ever distinct in themselves, became inseparably and eternally united.
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