Ideas to make credit cards and your money safer

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  1. Zero is a real number. Zero here means to change nothing about credit cards. Leave the security the way it is.
  2. My credit card doesn’t have a PIN required to use it. Carry over this idea from debit cards to credit cards.
  3. Purchase-related PINs. Yeah: log into your online account to authorize ONE purchase and get a special PIN for use just one time. If you plan to make TWO purchases, get TWO PINs that each are used only one time. When that PIN is used, it is retired. When the second PIN is used, that PIN is retired. This prevents certain types of PIN theft. Your card would be inactive until you authorize another temporary PIN. But, you say, you’d have to have a separate PIN to authorize the temporary PINs. (I didn’t say this would be easy.)
Any other ideas?
Any other ideas?
use cash as much as possible???
purchase wallets made of aluminum or other metal to defeat illegally used chip/magnetic stripe readers
carry a wallet in a hidden or unusual pocket
I read that in China today they don’t generally use cash or credit cards. they use their smart phones to make purchases.
Yes someone has said that non-cash transactions allow tracking of one’s expenditures, which also reveals one’s location.
Regarding option 2; it’s relatively common for business accounts to have a randomly generated PIN needed for each sign on to the account. The bank provides a keychain, it reminds me of a lap counter, you click the button and it generates a new PIN for that log in.

You could do the same with debit and credit cards. At the swipe the card reader asks for a PIN and you click your keychain to get the new one. Bonus you wouldn’t have to remember it.
Yes, I access my crypto currency accounts with Google Authenticator app which essentially performs the same function. I don’t know why bigger banks such as Chase etc don’t work with this type of option.
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