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A little while ago my crush posted on his Instagram that God said he and his current gf are gonna be together forever. Which I guess is possible but it’s unlikely since we’re all 14.
And I feel bad saying this but… I want them to break up, and I hate myself for wanting that, but he IS my crush.
Anyway back to the point, if God hadn’t really said that he and his gf were going to be together forever, then that would be a grave sin, right? Because that would be a lie involving God, so in my mind that would be a grave sin. Now, I’m not sure if he KNEW what he was doing was wrong, but I hope he didn’t bc obviously I care abt him. But is it a mortal sin for me to HOPE what he said is false, even tho it most likely is, even if i hope he didn’t have full knowledge? And is it a mortal sin for me to hope they break up?
I’m sorry if that was confusing :confused: but please help!!
You need to stop . . . being preoccupied with . . . this young man on social media and otherwise. And . . . your . . . sense of what is a grave sin, a mortal sin or inappropriate are . . . misguided.

. . . You are 14 years old, and . . . yet . . . do not have a sense of what you are even saying. Have you made your confirmation yet?. . .
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There is very little to say about your situation other than that you are a normal teenager up to normal teenager things. Relax. And you seem to be the kind of person who will generally need to follow the dictum, “Unless you could swear on your life that x is a mortal sin, it is not.” So chill the heck out. Will that people are happy, now and forever, and still have your own emotions and desires, but without gossip, sabotage, etc.

You guys are 14, you are not adults yet. At that age is very easy to get love crashes, strong feelings and clashing emotions, maybe also due to all the body changes typical of teenager years. Take a deep breath, this phase will pass and in few years you will find yourself more mature and with a deeper and better understanding of relationships and religion.
Unintentionally misinterpreting God’s will is not a sin. It better not be, because everyone does it from one time or another. Purposefully misrepresenting God’s will would be a sin. If the guy just really wants to be with his girlfriend forever and is mistakenly believing that things are signs that God approves, then that may be immature or unwise, but it isn’t a sin. Now if he is claiming that the angel of the lord came to him and told him this in order to convince the girlfriend not to break up with him, or to be more intimate with him than she wishes to be, or something like that, it WOULD be a sin and probably a mortal one. But I’d think he’d deserve whatever he gets if he’s doing that.
I agree with everything you said, Allegra.

The only thing missing was that all of that is none of the OP’s business. 😉
A little while ago my crush posted on his Instagram that God said he and his current gf are gonna be together forever. Which I guess is possible but it’s unlikely since we’re all 14.
As you said, it is unlikely that they will not remain boyfriend and girlfriend for long, since the age is 14. Since actual sin is a choice, and it is uncharitable, if you are not wishing harm to either is it not a sin. And it seems rather that it is hoping for a future friendship.
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It doesn’t sound like she was snooping. I understood that she read this statement on the young man’s social media.
Sweetie I’s sorry to say the guy you’re crushing is not into you. Been there, done that, didn’t have a happy ending… and if stalking was a law when I was you’re age I’d be in jail, so like @Irishmom2, you should stop stalking your crush… it can be dangerous.

Thank God you’re young (yea not what you want to hear) and free to seek other options (a blessing from God you don’t see yet).

Instead of praying for your crush to see the light, pray God blesses you with someone who sees you now. God’s will be done.

As for your situation, you guys are normal teenagers, doing normal teenage things, having normal teenage feeling. Trying to find you and understand your path in life… enjoy it, don’t take things so seriously, just focus on your path with God and enjoy your time with friends. The boyfriend part of your life will work itself out.
do I detect I hint of scrupulously ? I think your looking into this way too much.
we’re all 14.
I know this is hard to accept right now, because this feels extremely important and meaningful. That said, crushes at 14 are extremely common and usually come and go pretty fast. Like I said, I know it feels like this is your future husband, but I can almost guarantee that you’re not going to be thinking of this guy when you’re 15.

Try to relax and not bring sin into all this. Your feelings are normal but none of this is going to matter to you in a year.
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