If being a Catholic Christian were a criminal offense, would there be enough evidence against you to convict you?

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Enough to convict a truckload of people.

Bulletins from local Catholic parishes all over my house that I haven’t yet got around to putting in the trash. (I should mention that I live alone). And Catholic Missals, both Sunday and Daily.

Loads of holy pictures around the place, many being uniquely Catholic such as St Francis of Assisi and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Quite the collection of rosaries as well, including a rosary bracelet which I wear most everywhere. Catholic prayers, including the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy, on my mp3 player along with (sometimes) Catholic podcasts. A few books about the Catholic faith as well.

At least a few of my workmates can tell you that I’ve freely admitted to being Catholic to them 🙂

Most importantly - follow me on my outings on any given Saturday evening or Sunday and you’ll eventually find me going into a Catholic Church for Mass. :highprayer: Many other days of the week as well, though not nearly as many as I’d like.
I’d say yeah. A rosary I’d inherited from my grandmother, a few other rosaries, lots of books clarifying Catholicism, books about my patron Saint Francis of Asissi, bulletins in the bathroom, a couple of DVDs ( I happen to like the Song of Bernadette and Francis of Assisi with Bradford Dillman) with a Catholic bent. I’m also a regular attendee at All Saints, my local parish. Of course, my Catholicism isn’t all my fault…😛 I’ve had some remarkable mentors on the way.:D:)
Yes, there is evidence. Those arresting me would find my blessed Rosary, three Bibles, two saint medals (Our Lady of Guadalupe and Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha), a crucifix with some old palm leaves (I’m saving them for Ash Wednesday next year!), and an Icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And yeah, I’ve acquired a few bulletins as well. 😃

That’s just me. My daughter has her rosary (not yet blessed, but will be) and several books about our Lord and various Saints. My son has children’s books about the Stations of the Cross, the Nativity, the Resurrection, and both children have Missals.

Yup, we’re going to jail!
The Rosary in my pocket.
The past 18 months worth of Magnificat in the seat of my truck.
The Crucifix haning from the mirror of that truck.
Bumper sticker that says pray the Rosary daily. IM AN OVERACHIEVE AND DO IT TWICE A DAY.
The statue of Mary in my lawn.
A blessed Crucifix haning in every room in my house.
My family prays grace before meals PUBLICLY AND PROUDLY. Mind you not loudly that would be boasting.
An virtual library of different books about our awesome Faith.
I download Homilies and listen to them on my Zune.
Go to Mass 3 or more times a week.
Yup, guilty!!! My punishment??? With Gods grace. Spending eternity with him.

  • Catholic edition of the NRSV
  • Catholic edition of a children’s Bible
  • About 4 Rosaries
  • Sunday Missal
  • Crucifix
  • Holy water from Ste-Anne-de Beupre in Quebec
  • My posts on Facebook
  • Testimony from several people
  • A letter from my parish noting that I was chosen as a Confirmation sponsor
  • Home video of my baptism
  • A booklet or two about praying the Rosary
  • St. Christopher medallion
  • A few Catholic prayer cards
  • A copy of The Way to Christ by Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)
  • Internet history
  • Catholic media on my computer and iPod
I think there would be. 🙂

The most obvious would probably be the half dozen rosaries in my bag since I always have a rosary project that I’m working on for my job and when I finish them I put them into one of the side pockets and usually forget about them until it’s time to take pictures of them… which also means I usually have a huge bag of saint medals and necklaces and bracelets that I’m working on too.

Statues of Our Lady of Lords and Our Lady of Grace and the Infant of Prague in our home.

Since my husband’s a graduate student in theology they’d find a ridiculous number of books, print outs (last semester he printed out what looks to be thousands of pages of Vatican II documents, although I’m not sure how many there actually are) and at least a dozen Bibles, along with my own not-so-small collection of books that I’ve been working on somewhat steadily since I converted.

Then there are all my daughter’s books from the Catholic Baby’s First Bible and Catholic Baby’s First Prayers to We Go To Mass and Our Friends the Saints (we go to mass is her favorite!).

My blog about my vocations as a Catholic wife and mother.

Going to Mass every weekend and at least once during the week, regularly going to confession and volunteering in the parish’s office for the past two years.
indeed there would be. especially since i ware a cross all the time. most probablly have a rosary on me. cross myself whenever i think something bad is about to happen. cross myself whenever anything good happens. ware a bracelet with many pictures of saints on it. have a pictur of Mary, Queen of Ireland as my phone’s background. have a crucifix in my room. membership to this website. membership to realcatholictv.com. facebook posts. blessed bible. the over 9000 rosaries i own. grace before meals (most of the time). everyone that i know seems to know i plan to be a brother of the sacred heart. went to a catholic elementary school. graduated from a catholic high school. going to a catholic college. Blessed NAB Bible sitting on my night stand.

Oh man id be executed… if being catholic were a crime worthy of death i would GLADLY die.
My hope is that the evidence against me would be my own freely delivered confession of faith.
They’d only have to walk into my house or check out my car or twitter… enough said, guilty as charged!
if it were a criminal offense the officers probably wouldn’t even need any evidence to begin with, they’d just go out kidnap people no questions asked, at least that’s how the gestapo did it, still there’d be plenty of evidence regardless:p
I have:
-A blessed rosary I carry with me almost everywhere I go, barring the shower.
-A Catholic NAB
-A copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
-This site being almost always on one of my FireFox tabs
-A Catholic podcast on another tab
-The boatload of RCIA stuff that is covering the top of my dresser
-Occasionally a church bulletin
-Prayer cards of St. Matthew and St. Joan of Arc
-The Nicene Creed and the Our Father on cards as well
-A guide on how to pray the Rosary

I do/will:
-Pray the Our Father daily before going to bed
-Cross myself when I wake up
-Go to Mass weekly, unless I’m sick as a dog
-Go to Confession whenever I’m in a state of mortal sin as much as I can
-Be helping to catechize 8th-graders as a member of a group of high schoolers devoting themselves to the mission
I ask this question of the kids in Youth Group:) I would be found guilty.

The Vatican Flag outside our home.

The statue of St. Francis by our front door.

Each vehicle has a car rosary…my husband has a Pro-Life Poster in his.

The Bible is in the entry way on a book stand.

There is a water font next to every door including bedrooms. and Holy water bottles.

There is a crucifix in every room and above every bed.

We have 3 big shelves devoted to our faith in the living room & family room.

A huge picture of the Last Supper in our dinning room.

Statues of our Lady through out our home and a statue of the Madonna on our wall with a light pointed at her.

A poster sized picture on the 2nd. floor of the Holy Family.

Oh and a huge statue of a rooster in the foyer. To remind us of St. Peter’s denial.

Our 3 sons collect rosaries and hang them around their beds on the walls next to their crucfixes.

The list for our children for Altar Serving.

The church bulletines

The statue of the Pieta.

Our childrens lesson books from Seton Catholic homeschooling (left everywhere)

Sacred Heart picture on the fridge.

List of the Apostles on the fridge.

A wall Rosary in my bedroom. Its HUGE! 🙂

The candles we light with prayers on them.

But we could do more. I need a grotto.😉
I hope so.Between the books my husband has all around the house, to my RCIA scheule ( I an the lay director at our parish), to all the tapes,cds. rosaries,that are about the house, to our unabashed praying before all meals both at home and out, it would be an honor to be like the saints and martyrs ( though I am no where near where they are or others). My husband attends mass daily, I try once a week, to praying with our friends when camping, there is not a better way to die than for our faith
I doubt it.

I barely possess anything remotely close to a “collection” of religious objects. They’d have to search through my collection of anime posters, Japanese RPGs, manga, DVDs, story manuscripts (both original and fanfiction) and a few figurines. I hang around a joint full of crossdressing cosplayers, hentai fanboys and loudmouth, 4chan liberals.

I don’t pray the Rosary, don’t read the Bible, don’t do novenas, and the only time you’ll see me in Church is on Sunday for one hour.

I doubt I’m the only type of Catholic like this though. But hey, since your scenario calls that a “criminal” offense then I might as well join/form a mafia full of people like me or something. That way in case someone finds I’ve been attending secret underground masses, I could have someone “take care of it”. :rolleyes::cool:;):p:o
Along with many of the objects in my home that other’s have posted, I would guess I would be easy to arrest.

One time while at a Truck Stop, (I’m a Truck Driver) I went to a Bible Study there, and the Chaplin said, “Tonight we are honored at having a Nun with us, this is a first for us.” Since I was the only Woman there, my reply was, “You think I’m a Nun?” He said, “Well aren’t you?” I said, “No, but thank you for the complement.” I guess not only in my home, they could rightfully convict me of being a Catholic, but my guess is the way I carry myself to others comes across “Catholic” as well.
I hope so. I try to live my faith. I teach RCIA and I am not a liberal. Yes, I have all of the outside indications of being a Catholic. Statues, etc., but it is inside that is important.
My house is loaded with Catholic stuff, and I rather enjoy posting here and do so as much as oppertunity affords. More over while I wouldn’t be stupid and go out and get my self arrested for no reason, ultimatly I do have a big mounth that probably couldn’t stay shut durring a trial process :o
If no, why no? If yes, what evidence/s?
Depends on your definition of “evidence”. That 24" by 30" large icon of Jesus Christ Holy Silence in my living room might arouse suspicions.:rolleyes:

The Prayer Kneeler in my bedroom might make people wonder.:tsktsk:

And all those books, starting with the LOTH?:whistle:

And what will they think of that 20 decade rosary hanging on the door?:blushing:
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