The Shaded University of Umbravia, after must toil, has isolated seven distinct categories of posters on CAF. This research is presented below:
The Federation
Known throughout the galaxy as insufferable do-gooders with an excess of the phelgmatic, the CAF poster known as The Federation is always whining “can’t we all just get along?” and his finger trembles over the trigger of his report-user phaser whenever the discussion gets even a little heated. Armed with his Prime Directive CAF Rules in one virtual hand, and Roberts Rules of Order in the other, The Federation is an asset to the thread when his middleman demeanor can bring a sense of regularity and common-rule, and he is usually the first to spot bad-actors.
Good Federation: “Let’s keep it clean, folks!”
Bad Federation: “I will conquer the whole forum with the ‘report’ button! FREEDOM!!!”
The Klingon Empire
Fiercely territorial and expansionistic, The Klingon puts the “militant” in the third order of the Church He states his opinion directly, concisely, and with few frills (which The Federation often believes to be rather barbaric, but it’s so much easier to just push the ‘report’ button then to talk with him). Klingons are very passionate about whatever they’re doing, so if another poster slights his honor by belittling a part of his post, one of the two will end up in sickbay. The excitement and originality of the Klingon’s opinions can make him an asset to a thread.
Good Klingon: For the love of all that’s holy, buttercup, quit sitting around and make a convert!
Bad Klingon: You don’t like my opinion? Taste my bat’leth!
The Ferengi Alliance
Known as the capitalist goof-ball of the galaxy, The Ferengi is the poster who places an obscenely high value on something that no one else finds useful, or even knew existed. The Ferengi loves that one 15th century text that says everything about everything and is the most important text in the history of texts on the subject - whatever the subject is. Surprisingly, he usually gets along with the Klingon, but he largely ignores the Federation, much to the Federation’s annoyance. He can add additional perspectives to the thread.
Good Ferengi: “Here is something I’ve found in my research that adds a unique perspective…”
Bad Ferengi: “See it? See it right there in black and white Latinum? I’m right! You’re wrong! The Latinum says so!”
The Federation
Known throughout the galaxy as insufferable do-gooders with an excess of the phelgmatic, the CAF poster known as The Federation is always whining “can’t we all just get along?” and his finger trembles over the trigger of his report-user phaser whenever the discussion gets even a little heated. Armed with his Prime Directive CAF Rules in one virtual hand, and Roberts Rules of Order in the other, The Federation is an asset to the thread when his middleman demeanor can bring a sense of regularity and common-rule, and he is usually the first to spot bad-actors.
Good Federation: “Let’s keep it clean, folks!”
Bad Federation: “I will conquer the whole forum with the ‘report’ button! FREEDOM!!!”
The Klingon Empire
Fiercely territorial and expansionistic, The Klingon puts the “militant” in the third order of the Church He states his opinion directly, concisely, and with few frills (which The Federation often believes to be rather barbaric, but it’s so much easier to just push the ‘report’ button then to talk with him). Klingons are very passionate about whatever they’re doing, so if another poster slights his honor by belittling a part of his post, one of the two will end up in sickbay. The excitement and originality of the Klingon’s opinions can make him an asset to a thread.
Good Klingon: For the love of all that’s holy, buttercup, quit sitting around and make a convert!
Bad Klingon: You don’t like my opinion? Taste my bat’leth!
The Ferengi Alliance
Known as the capitalist goof-ball of the galaxy, The Ferengi is the poster who places an obscenely high value on something that no one else finds useful, or even knew existed. The Ferengi loves that one 15th century text that says everything about everything and is the most important text in the history of texts on the subject - whatever the subject is. Surprisingly, he usually gets along with the Klingon, but he largely ignores the Federation, much to the Federation’s annoyance. He can add additional perspectives to the thread.
Good Ferengi: “Here is something I’ve found in my research that adds a unique perspective…”
Bad Ferengi: “See it? See it right there in black and white Latinum? I’m right! You’re wrong! The Latinum says so!”