If Christ hates evil, as I believe He does, why is He waiting so long for His Second Coming?

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It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
I wish he would come today as well! 🙂

I have a feeling that the “second coming” is not a temporal event. As long as human beings can reproduce why end it? I think humanity will be around for millions of years assuming we don’t wipe each other out or a natural event does not finish us off.

I wish i could be alive until the very end.
The two thousand years since Christ was on earth is but the blink of an eye in terms of eternity.
My friend who is a Lutheran Pastor (LCMS) told me it was his thought that Christ would come again when their is not one person left to be saved.

Not a Catholic thought, but an interesting theory.

He based that thought on a Biblical event but I can’t recall what it is. I’ll try to remember it.

It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
“With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” - 2 Peter 3:8

Not everything has been accomplished yet to make way for the second coming, the gospel still hasn’t been heard in every nation.
My friend who is a Lutheran Pastor (LCMS) told me it was his thought that Christ would come again when their is not one person left to be saved.

Not a Catholic thought, but an interesting theory.

He based that thought on a Biblical event but I can’t recall what it is. I’ll try to remember it.

I think that Theory is correct. As long as we can reproduce, why would God stop that process?
3 First of all you must understand this, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own passions 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation.” … 8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:3-4, 8-9)

…I want you to understand this mystery, brethren: a hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles come in, 26 and so all Israel will be saved… (Romans 11:25b-26a)

If I was God, I would probably be waiting until the time when the total number of the saved was at a maximum and the total number of the damned was at a minimum.
Because we are making a mess and it doesn’t look like anything good is going to happen anytime soon. Besides he can start all over again.
We do not know the mind of God…he will come in his own good time.

Personally, I think he wants us to fix the planet and return it in the same condition we got it. So we need to get off our butts, quit acting like we are even capable of knowing the mind of God, and clean up the place!
More time equals more souls being created, equals more souls in heaven (though, unfortunately, hell as well).
It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
Jews have it even worse: no major prophets or miracles for much longer than waiting for Jesus’ second coming. But a rabbi explained this as a true mark of faith. In other words, it is much easier to believe if you have prophets and grand miracles (and even then some did not, of course); but much harder to believe without them. If one can still come to G-d despite the lack of prophets or the long waiting for a second coming, that shows real faith.
Jews have it even worse: no major prophets or miracles for much longer than waiting for Jesus’ second coming. But a rabbi explained this as a true mark of faith. In other words, it is much easier to believe if you have prophets and grand miracles (and even then some did not, of course); but much harder to believe without them. If one can still come to G-d despite the lack of prophets or the long waiting for a second coming, that shows real faith.
Very insightful. 👍
It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
I’ve wondered the exact same thing-and I have been told the same thing as another poster said on this thread, there are still people to be saved, come to the Lord(maybe yet to be born) when that number is fulfilled, he will come back.
It seems obvious that He’s waiting for the appropriate time, but what is it exactly that He’s waiting for? For example, does our world need to achieve some sort of completion before He comes? Please do not take this the wrong way, I wish that He would come today!
The good news is, when you die you will instantly witness the second coming of Christ.
I kind of just answered this in your other thread about uh “Why does God allow Satan to be all Satan 'bout thangs” and etc. but this one basically takes the same two words to obliterate your opening question:

Robert - maybe because G-d sees all the good, all the love, and the caring and compassion of good human beings that occur every minute. Good it seems you are unable to see.

Just a thought. G-d’s heart goes out to the people of Southeast Texas. And that heart bursts with love and pride at all the rest of America (and I think even other parts of the world) who open their hearts, lives, and wallets to aid in the recovery effort.

Maybe G-d pays more attention to the good, and does’t really dwell on the evil. He will deal with that in His own good time.

My :twocents:
We do not know the mind of God…he will come in his own good time.

Personally, I think he wants us to fix the planet and return it in the same condition we got it. So we need to get off our butts, quit acting like we are even capable of knowing the mind of God, and clean up the place!
Just a guess on my part, and not very theological, but perhaps He’s waiting until there’s something worth coming back for.
Jews have it even worse: no major prophets or miracles for much longer than waiting for Jesus’ second coming. But a rabbi explained this as a true mark of faith. In other words, it is much easier to believe if you have prophets and grand miracles (and even then some did not, of course); but much harder to believe without them. If one can still come to G-d despite the lack of prophets or the long waiting for a second coming, that shows real faith.
meltzerboy - There have been many, many miracles attributed to the intercession of Jewish sages. The Rebbe, for one, and certainly the Vilna Gaon, among others.
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