The evolution of this earth took billions of years. This evolution must involve earthquakes, volcanoes, asteroids, meteors and so on before man came into existence. When God created Adam it was at a certain time much after the dinosaurs and yes when Adam was created there were forces in the world that would have been destructive but God put Adam into a garden where there destructive forces were not available to Adam. It is certain when Adam had sinned the only changed that came from this sin was the change in man. Original sin brought physical death into the world for all humanity. Before this Original Sin there was no physical death. I do not believe in the cave men theory of what evolution is saying about the creation of man. In Genesis man was created flawless so that after he sinned you can say they lived in caves and so on not before. The forces of the world would impact humanity after Adam’s sin because man and woman were no longer part of that paradise God had specifically given to our first parents. This does not mean the destructive forces of the planet were not there. They were but not in the Garden which God had placed them but you can say outside this Garden. The creation of humanity while it has a short history (you can get a whole line of this family tree in Luke’s Gospel) from Adam to us is nothing compared to the longer history of this planet. God had taken billions of years to create this planet so that He would create finally the first humans. Before Adam and Eve there was the dinosaurs and other species of vegetation and animals that God had created and also God must use the forces of comets, meteors and asteroids to create the many types of chemicals that are now found on this Earth. The impacts of comets, asteroids and meteors are able to create the many types of minerals, rocks and other types of chemicals. Oil and gas for instance must be created through a very long period of time so that the young Earth with the combination of certain plants, bacteria and other sources such as intense heat and so on will create the oil and gas we have today. The Earth was very hot in its early stage of life even though the Sun was cooler. Why? It has to do with the many volcanoes at that time exploding on the Earth that had created this green house effect to warm up the planet. While this warming trend was in effect God created dinosaurs and other species to live in the type of environment the Earth had. All of this was millions of years before Adam and Eve would ever appeared.