If God is a limitless, infinite being how there can be a trinity?

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Why not? We can’t even conceive of a limitless, infinite being to begin with. 🙂
If God is a limitless, infinite being how there can be a trinity? Yeah This is a good questio. Who has a better answer? facebook.com/CrossExamined.org/videos/820993371365521/
Thank you all
Since I can’t comprehend the mind of God, I will have to say: I don’t know but I since I believe Church Teaching, this will remain one of many wonderful mysteries of God. The most mysterious of all the mysteries is that He loves me and forgives me - a sinner.
What I’m not getting is why is God’s being infinite somehow an obstacle to his being Trinity?

If anything, it’s a key element in the theological explanation of how the Word is begotten and how the Spirit proceeds.
The very fact that God can be a Trinity proves he is infinite and limitless.
1 X infinity = infinity

3 X infinity = infinity

What’s the problem?
The word INFINITY is built from the Latin words FINIS, a limit or boundary, and the prefix IN which negatives the main word. Thus it means WITHOUT LIMITS OR BOUNDARIES—LIMITLESS—BOUNDLESS. But this must not be taken as meaning only the absence of any external boundaries. To say that a being is infinite does not mean only that it spreads in all directions without any limit, that whether you are considering its being or its power you never reach a point where you must say “thus far and no farther.” It means THE ABSENCE OF ALL LIMITATIONS, NOT ONLY EXTERNAL BUT INTERNAL AS WELL. At first sight, this may seem needlessly subtilizing and even meaningless.

GOD on the other hand IS infinite. Therefore there are no parts within Him. He is wholly Himself in one inclusive act of being. Because He lacks the limitation of having parts, He is free from the consequent limitation of occupying space. Space cannot contain Him. He transcends space and the things of space, and indeed all created things. He lives His life in utter and absolute independence of them. Here the mind must tread very delicately, or imagination will play a trick upon it. For imagination, the material universe is altogether enormous, spread out in its majesty throughout space; whereas God occupies no space at all, and therefore is for imagination unimaginably tiny. But in reality the universe is in space because it is limited; and God is outside space, not because His being is too small even for the tiniest p(name removed by moderator)oint hold in space, but because His being is too mighty.

Heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him (3 Kings viii. 27).
Do I not fill heaven and earth? (Jer. xi. 24.)
I think the question reveals that the questioner does not understand the Trinity. The Trinity is not 3 gods competing with each other for unlimited power. The Trinity is one unlimited God who has 3 Persons. This is more an argument against polytheism rather than the Trinity.
The Trinity, what a wonderful mystery, is the pure, infinite nature of the Being that we know as God. He finds Himself in three Persons, coequal and coexistent: in one will and one mind with one nature. They are not three Gods competing for power, but are united in will, love, and essence. They are one.

How is that not a singular limitless Being?
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