I have internally searched myself and have looked externally without success, but can anyone please explain to me how God can be male and still be omnipotent? I have read St. Thomas Aquinas’ explanation of how God can be purely good and know good but not know evil. Since He knows good, he knows the absence of good perfectly. Got it. How does God know darkness? Because He knows light perfectly, He knows also the nature of its opposite. Got it. But how can God know what it is truly like to be female? I know that God is actually only considered a male because of His nature as Creator, proactive, gender role allows us to deduce He is male. Also He came to Earth as in the form of a male. I know the Book of Wisdom tries to explain this as God being male in the beginning and Wisdom being the actual female representative. Still, I cannot corroborate God being male yet still being omnipotent. Any (name removed by moderator)ut or references are appreciated as this is one question out of all of the ones I have thought of and researched that continues to boggle my mind.