I have recently picked up Fr. F. X. Schouppe’s Purgatory for a third time. I read it in 2004, 2008, and I am now making my way through it in 2018. Hardly have I ever read a book cover to cover twice, much less thrice. Possibly, Of The Imitation Of Christ, I also have thrice. One question has been ringing in my mind, though. It never gets addressed within the confines of the book Purgatory.
God gave us free will, but He knows everything. Can I therefore pray for St. Augustine’s time to be shortened in Purgatory now in A. D. 2018, even knowing he is in Heaven, as he is declared a Saint (a Doctor of the Church, no less; one of 36 Doctors of the Church)? What happens in such a case where it is known they are in Heaven, yet you pray their Purgatorial sufferings be mitigated? Would their time in Purgatory be retroactively shortened? Or does Purgatory time share a certain connection with ours in that he is in Heaven as we know it now in A. D. 2018, and any prayers for him ever since his deliverance would therefore be applied to another soul in Purgatory? Or is this in the realm of something we are not privileged to know? (under the old system of indulgences 50, 100, 300 days, God never did reveal to anyone the actual ratio, if any, those indulgence days absolve you from Purgatorial suffering). I will tell you right now, the book implies my fourth question out of the five posed in this paragraph. But, that seems to fly in the (F)ace of an omnipotent God.
So I am left trying to resolve these two concepts of an omnipotent God versus Purgatorial time mitigation. I have never seen or heard this question posed anywhere. I have not been able to resolve this of either my own volition(arguably my own wisdom of this sort comes from my guardian angel or another angel or the Holy Spirit) or others’ wisdom, at least those I have read or heard.
Maybe St. Thomas Aquinas tackles this in his Summa-I admit I have only read parts of that, but do own it (it’s not meant to be read cover to cover per se, but I digress). One of my similarly burning questions was adequately answered by a poster on this very forum probably 7 or 8 years ago, and they quoted St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa, which gave an incredibly adequate explanation.
But any thoughts or explanations are welcome; they don’t have to be from St. Thomas Aquinas or his school of thought Wisdom is gleaned from many places and peoples.
Thank you for your reading and … indulgence.
God gave us free will, but He knows everything. Can I therefore pray for St. Augustine’s time to be shortened in Purgatory now in A. D. 2018, even knowing he is in Heaven, as he is declared a Saint (a Doctor of the Church, no less; one of 36 Doctors of the Church)? What happens in such a case where it is known they are in Heaven, yet you pray their Purgatorial sufferings be mitigated? Would their time in Purgatory be retroactively shortened? Or does Purgatory time share a certain connection with ours in that he is in Heaven as we know it now in A. D. 2018, and any prayers for him ever since his deliverance would therefore be applied to another soul in Purgatory? Or is this in the realm of something we are not privileged to know? (under the old system of indulgences 50, 100, 300 days, God never did reveal to anyone the actual ratio, if any, those indulgence days absolve you from Purgatorial suffering). I will tell you right now, the book implies my fourth question out of the five posed in this paragraph. But, that seems to fly in the (F)ace of an omnipotent God.
So I am left trying to resolve these two concepts of an omnipotent God versus Purgatorial time mitigation. I have never seen or heard this question posed anywhere. I have not been able to resolve this of either my own volition(arguably my own wisdom of this sort comes from my guardian angel or another angel or the Holy Spirit) or others’ wisdom, at least those I have read or heard.
Maybe St. Thomas Aquinas tackles this in his Summa-I admit I have only read parts of that, but do own it (it’s not meant to be read cover to cover per se, but I digress). One of my similarly burning questions was adequately answered by a poster on this very forum probably 7 or 8 years ago, and they quoted St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa, which gave an incredibly adequate explanation.
But any thoughts or explanations are welcome; they don’t have to be from St. Thomas Aquinas or his school of thought Wisdom is gleaned from many places and peoples.
Thank you for your reading and … indulgence.
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