If I am praying to Mary to intercede...

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She isnt like christ and god the father and can be at more than one place at a time arnt some prayers not being heard?? God the father son and holy spirit are much more holier than mary why would I need a human . She was extemely blessed no doubt and loved her son,and her savior but Something just dont seem right??
When I pray to the Blessed Mother, or any saint for that matter, I ask her to intercede on my behalf.
She isnt like christ and god the father and can be at more than one place at a time arnt some prayers not being heard?? God the father son and holy spirit are much more holier than mary why would I need a human . She was extemely blessed no doubt and loved her son,and her savior but Something just dont seem right??
Have you ever asked someone to pray for you? It’s just like that.

Read the Scripture passages about the wedding feast at Cana. Jesus says it is not yet His time, but he performs His first miracle anyway after His mother, Mary, asks Him to. Mary was an intercessor for the people at the wedding and she can be an intercessor for us now.🙂
I am sitting at my desk, and yet I am on the internet. Hmm, through modern technology am I in two places at once? My words can instantly reach anyone who hits this site, and their words can instantly reach me when I hit the right keys.

Picture Mary as sitting at the “computer” that God gave her. She has instant access to the messages sent to her. She frequently check her “e-mail” for prayer requests, and she prays for those who ask her to pray for them. She didn’t create the technology to hear prayer requests, just as I didn’t invent the internet.

Mary is a creature, just like you and me. She does not have any more abilities beyond what God gives her. But God filled her with grace, and through that grace she is able to pray for us.
She isnt like christ and god the father and can be at more than one place at a time arnt some prayers not being heard?? God the father son and holy spirit are much more holier than mary why would I need a human . She was extemely blessed no doubt and loved her son,and her savior but Something just dont seem right??
Do you pray for friends and family? Would you ask a friend or a family member to pray for you?

1 I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men:[1Timothy 2]

16 Confess therefore your sins one to another: and pray one for another, that you may be saved. For the continual prayer of a just man availeth much.[James 5]

1 Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ; to all the saints in Christ Jesus, who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons. 2 Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 I give thanks to my God in every remembrance of you, 4 Always in all my prayers making supplication for you all, with joy; 5 For your communication in the gospel of Christ from the first day until now. [Phillipians 1]
As the Word of God says that the prayers of the righteous availeth much, it makes perfect sense to get the most righteous creation of God (Mary) praying for us.

Sorry for my interupting, but as the topic creator says, Mary can only hear one prayer at a time, is this true? If so, how does she hear all our prayers? Does she hear them all one at a time or does she only hear ones that get to her first?

I’m sorry if that sounds stupid, but it is something I have truely been wondering about since someone here once said the Saints and mary can only hear one prayer at a time.
This is actually a good topic to debate about. Mary is NOT omnipresent and is not Omniscient. Only GOD is omnipresent which means he is present everywhere at all times and only GOD is omniscent which means he knows all things. Pray to GOD and GOD alone. When trouble comes, call upon God, not Mary: “Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer… In the day of my trouble ***I will call upon thee: ***for thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:6, 7“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” Psalm 91:15
She isnt like christ and god the father and can be at more than one place at a time arnt some prayers not being heard??
No, she’s not Christ nor is she God the Father, however, she now is present in the eternal and like them, is not limited by time or space. We humans think in physical terms, time and space, you are assuming that every prayer that goes up goes up in physical increments…I like this example. Take the word now…when you get the n out, the ow is still in the future. By the time you get the ow out, the N is already in the past. God isn’t limited, NOR are the saints in heaven, by this physical phenomenon…they just exist, they are. So every prayer can be heard, by every saint in heaven, by Christ and by God, as well as the angels, since the angels are spirit.

God the father son and holy spirit are much more holier than mary why would I need a human .

God the Father and God the Son and the Holy Spirit are pure holiness, pure spirit. Mary however, was a very holy woman also, as our Church tells us, she was born without original sin and lived a sinless life, being taken up to heaven at her death. Do you need a human? No, you don’t. However, Mary is no longer human, she exists in the spiritual world now. Not only that, but every human who has ever said a prayer in your name, or for your benefit has interceeded on your behalf. You are assuming that we pray TO Mary, that we believe she can grant us something. She cannot. She can only interceed on our behalf to her Son and the Father. She interceeded at the wedding of Cana on behalf of the people. She can interceed for us too. Since she is the Mother of Christ, I would say he would probably take her requests into consideration. (By the way, just an FYI…the Holy Catholic Church does not at any time instruct the faithful that they must pray to Mary, nor does she instruct the Church that they have to pray the Rosary, but she does recommend it.)

This is actually a good topic to debate about. Mary is NOT omnipresent and is not Omniscient. Only GOD is omnipresent which means he is present everywhere at all times and only GOD is omniscent which means he knows all things. Pray to GOD and GOD alone. When trouble comes, call upon God, not Mary: “Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer… In the day of my trouble ***I will call upon thee: ***for thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:6, 7“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” Psalm 91:15
But Paul says it’s good to ask others to pray for us.:confused:
We agree that Mary is not omnipresent nor omniscient. The Church does not claim that she is. She knows only that which God allows her to know, just as we only know what God allows us to know.

The Church is the family of God. He allows us to hold conversations with each other. He isn’t jealous when we talk woman Her created to be His mother. He participates in our conversation with her.

We see the communion of saints as something that extends beyond this world, into eternity which exists outside of time. The saints do what God created them to do, and God created Mary to bring us Jesus. She still does that–she brings Jesus to anyone who wants Him.
This is actually a good topic to debate about. Mary is NOT omnipresent and is not Omniscient. Only GOD is omnipresent which means he is present everywhere at all times and only GOD is omniscent which means he knows all things. Pray to GOD and GOD alone. When trouble comes, call upon God, not Mary: “Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer… In the day of my trouble ***I will call upon thee: ***for thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:6, 7“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” Psalm 91:15
Yes you are 100% correct, only God can answer our prayers. Which is why we don’t pray to Mary or the Saints thinking that they can do anything EXCEPT take our prayers to God. If I’m really struggling with something I can ask my best friend to pray for me, my Priest to pray for me or Mary to pray for me. Because we believe in the communion of Saints it’s as if we have an entire congregation of rightous people - prayer warriors if you will at our disposal. What an awesome thing, don’t you think?

Sorry for my interupting, but as the topic creator says, Mary can only hear one prayer at a time, is this true? If so, how does she hear all our prayers? Does she hear them all one at a time or does she only hear ones that get to her first?

I’m sorry if that sounds stupid, but it is something I have truely been wondering about since someone here once said the Saints and mary can only hear one prayer at a time.
The Catholic understanding of time is that heaven is outside of time. God created the physical world to be subject to time, but He and his kingdom are not. Therefore, time does not matter and it does not affect whether the saints can pray for all of us.

Second, God is the one that makes it possible for the saints to hear our prayers. He can do what ever he wants, so it is very concievable that the saints can pray for us all.
Lessee here: If the Holy Spirit can snatch Philip away from the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:39-4): 39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took away Philip; and the eunuch saw him no more. And he went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip was found in Azotus; and passing through, he preached the gospel to all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.

And if many that were dead appeared as Jesus died on the cross…( Matthew 27: 52-53): 52 And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose, 53 And coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, came into the holy city, and appeared to many.

And since God has shown the prophets and apostles down through history the hearts of others and empowered them to be His instruments for answered prayer…

Then isn’t it your own lack of faith that says that God cannot empower His saints in heaven (Remember “the great cloud of witnesses” in Hebrews 12:1? And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us: Who God’s word says are witnesses of our race here on earth) to see, hear, and assist us by their righteous prayers?

James 5:16 says, ** Confess therefore your sins one to another: and pray one for another, that you may be saved. For the continual prayer of a just man availeth much**.

Consider these passages as well…and believe:
  1. Mark 10 :27 And Jesus looking on them, saith: With men it is impossible; but not with God: for all things are possible with God.
2 .Matthew 19:26 **And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.
3 .Luke 18 :27 **He said to them: The things that are impossible with men, are possible with God.
4. Mark 9 :22 **And Jesus saith to him: If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
5. Mark 14:36 And he saith: Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee: remove this chalice from me; but not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Pax vobiscum,
carol marie:
Yes you are 100% correct, only God can answer our prayers. Which is why we don’t pray to Mary or the Saints thinking that they can do anything EXCEPT take our prayers to God. If I’m really struggling with something I can ask my best friend to pray for me, my Priest to pray for me or Mary to pray for me. Because we believe in the communion of Saints it’s as if we have an entire congregation of rightous people - prayer warriors if you will at our disposal. What an awesome thing, don’t you think?

carol marie, your understanding is right on. There is the Church Militant, those on earth, and the Church Triumphant, those in heaven. They are in communion with eachother. When you die you do not cease to be a part of the body of Christ, instead you become more of a part of the body of Christ. The members of the Church in heaven are more of a member of the Church than we are. We can communicate with them through prayers and they pray to God on our behalf.

You can see that these prayers would be efficaceous by looking at James 5. ‘The prayers of a righteous man availeth us much.’ If the prayers of a righteous man availeth much, how much more will those of the great saints in heaven?
Why not ask her to pray for us, she is so holy so why not. We need all the help we can get and she and all the saints help us pray. If they don’t pray for us, then why should we reconize them as saints? And she is in eternal life, she has a long time to pray for all of our prayers that we ask her to pray. And who know how time is up there, I don’t think it is like what it is here. She probably could pray like a million prayers in one second, who knows.
Mary is Queen of the angels, she has command of all the Heavenly hosts. She can have her angels hear your requests and they can take your message(s) to her Son.

God also made her the dispenser of all graces, so she has been granted some authority already. I think of Mary as the Queen Mother in the Heavenly court.

I as a common laborer would have to get a special appointment to get an audience with the King. Not having much influence, I would get put in the back of the line with all the ordinary folks. My request could take months to get noiticed. But since I know the Queen Mother and ask her to approach the King, it would be nearly instantaneous.

Since Mary is so much closer to her Son than anyone elses in Heaven or on earth, my petition would be heard far ahead of any commoners, and hold much more weight than anyone elses .

Similarly, the saints are God’s special friends. They are already in Heaven and they have already been purified, we are not. They have the ear of the Almighty. We are sinners and outside the Heavenly realm.

It is likely that voices in Heaven will be heard over our own, they are already in the spiritual realm, we are not. Who knows what kinds of communications is required for a prayer to go from here to Heaven. We know that God often used angels to get messages from Heaven to earth and vice versa. We know sometimes, he speaks to special people like his prophets almost directly.

Sometimes there are special places where God spoke to the prophets (Mt Sinai with Moses).

For out times, it appears that asking the saints for help is a great way for prayers to be heard, and asking Mary in particular works wonders. People use whatever means they think works best for them.

We see so many miracles being performed at Marian sites, so it becomes a natural that Mary as an intercessor is unmatched when it comes to getting prayers answered. Maybe that is exactly how God wants us to ask.

When I was a kid, if I wanted something special from my dad, I went to ask my mother first. It always worked like a charm. My kids do the same thing to me now. IF my wife says the kids have to have something they usually get it. When mom ain’t happy, no one is happy ! Mary is the Mother of us all, and what a wonderful mom she is !

Plus as many have said here, Heaven is not bound by space and time. Many of the saints were able to ‘bilocate’ even while hey were alive. If they could bilocate here, they can probably be in many places after getting into Heaven.
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