If Jesus came to my house

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my answer would be 1 and 3, if i were able to choose all answers that are applicable. however, i think the question sort of asks what we would WANT our lives to be like, rather than what they ARE like. do i really treat everyone who comes to my door like Christ? should i? i mean, i would worship Jesus if He came. should i worship my roommate when he comes home?
i mean, i would worship Jesus if He came. should i worship my roommate when he comes home?
No that is not what I meant, but should we treat everyone as if Christ was there. I was thinking of the bible quote in the greatest commandment, Love one another as I have loved you.
Also I recently read that online story about Christ telling a lady he was coming to her house and she waited yet all day there was someone she needed to help, then when she questioned Christ about coming to her house he said I did and he mentioned all these people in need.
This a true story from an Evangelical friend of mine.
He said that last Christmas Eve he had a knock on the door. It was an angel from God in the guise of a homeless man asking for food. By the power of The Holy Spirit he recognized this immediately as a test directly from God. He gave the one at his door $20 and a plate of food. He was very happy with himself that he passed God’s test.

I told him that he knew this was an angel sent for God to test him then he should have given the angel the keys to his house, to his car and every cent he had in the world.
This a true story from an Evangelical friend of mine.
He said that last Christmas Eve he had a knock on the door. It was an angel from God in the guise of a homeless man asking for food. By the power of The Holy Spirit he recognized this immediately as a test directly from God. He gave the one at his door $20 and a plate of food. He was very happy with himself that he passed God’s test.

I told him that he knew this was an angel sent for God to test him then he should have given the angel the keys to his house, to his car and every cent he had in the world.
Beautiful, how good is God and those who recognize him in their neighbors. That kind of story inspirates us all to always remember you never know, when Christ sends someone.
I asked this question in a homily a while back. I suggested we would probably pop some food in the microwave and of course junior would want him to play video games. I used this as an example of modern living putting us out of touch with our spiritual life. We get so absorbed in our “Gadgets” such as computers, T.V.s, C.D. players Etc. that we often leave no time for prayer.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
my answer would be 1 and 3, if i were able to choose all answers that are applicable. however, i think the question sort of asks what we would WANT our lives to be like, rather than what they ARE like. do i really treat everyone who comes to my door like Christ? should i? i mean, i would worship Jesus if He came. should i worship my roommate when he comes home?
I was also tempted to vote for 1 and 3, but ended up voting for 1 because I probably would ask Christ in but I don’t ask everybody in. For example, a county appraiser came to the door yesterday to ask some questions and I was able to answer her questions through the screen door; she seemed happy with that.

In theory I think it is proper to treat Jesus like your roommate, though. I get the impression from the gospels that Jesus wanted us to treat each other with the same love as Him, and that he seemed to avoid being pedestalized. The one thing God said we should do, twice, is to “listen to Him.” On that note, I think you should listen to your roommate, too, because if you do it to your roommate then you have effectively done it for Jesus.

I wouldn’t see anything wrong with a question such as, “who am I that my Lord has come to visit,” but I don’t think Jesus necessarily expects us to get down on our knees or lower and grovel or anything like that. For that matter, I doubt He would be offended by it either, as it would be a sign of humility and respect.

I decided any variant of option #2 is right out, because who do I think I’m going to be fooling? :o

Deacon Tony560:
I asked this question in a homily a while back. I suggested we would probably pop some food in the microwave and of course junior would want him to play video games. I used this as an example of modern living putting us out of touch with our spiritual life. We get so absorbed in our “Gadgets” such as computers, T.V.s, C.D. players Etc. that we often leave no time for prayer.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
He does love children. I wonder if he’d play a game or two with Junior, and maybe even let Junior win!

Deacon Tony560:
I asked this question in a homily a while back. I suggested we would probably pop some food in the microwave and of course junior would want him to play video games. I used this as an example of modern living putting us out of touch with our spiritual life. We get so absorbed in our “Gadgets” such as computers, T.V.s, C.D. players Etc. that we often leave no time for prayer.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
What? You don’t think Jesus is interested in checking out my TiVo and my DVD collection? 😃

I decided any variant of option #2 is right out, because who do I think I’m going to be fooling? :o

Haha Alan, I thought the exact same thing. Jesus is Jesus after all. He’d know what books and magazines I had before he ever came knocking.

For the record, I voted #1. I think we would all like to answer #3, which, to me, is most Christ-like. But no matter how much I try, I know I fall short of the ideal…not that I won’t keep trying, though.
Deacon Tony560:
I asked this question in a homily a while back. I suggested we would probably pop some food in the microwave and of course junior would want him to play video games. I used this as an example of modern living putting us out of touch with our spiritual life. We get so absorbed in our “Gadgets” such as computers, T.V.s, C.D. players Etc. that we often leave no time for prayer.

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
Sounds like a great sermon. Do you have a copy?
We have been discussing this in class, that is another reason why I posted this question.
Thank you. If I come across a copy, I will condence it and send it along. This is a great topic for the imagination.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony
I located the homily. I will just include the part that pertains to this thread. It was for the Sunday that told about how Jesus would visit Martha and Mary and Their brother…How would it be today if Jesus came to our house as a friend? Would it be a microwaive dinner, good movie, and video games with junior? What has happened to good old fashioned friendship? In times past, folks came together for a meal and some good conversation. In our fast paced world, there are jobs to see to each day and then caring for the needs of our family. This leaves little time for real friendships. There is T.V, internet Etc. Children now go off at an earlier age for activities outside of the home. Many today hunger for good friendship. There are so many lonely people on the internet. The people that they contact, often take advantage of them. What’s the answer? Today Jesus comes to us at Mass for a meal and some good conversation. The meal is his own body and blood given for our salvation. The conversation is called prayer…

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
I would open the door and lovingly ask him in. … Then I would probably start crying…and say to Him, “Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof…”
I know I wouldn’t be able to stand in his presence so I would end up on my knees and start kissings His beautiful feet…the ones that walked to Calvary for me and my sins…
I know I would ask him to heal my mind and restore my soul …then I would probably into ecstasy…being in the presence of my Lord and my God would be more than this poor sinner could take…
:amen: Annunciata :gopray:
A variant to this question might be this:

How would your driving habits change if you knew that one of the other drivers you would be interacting with on the road was going to be Jesus, but you didn’t know what He would be driving?

That question came to me a week ago last Saturday evening after I really embarrassed myself on the way to Mass, of all things.

Jesus is in my house already. He lives and dwells in me. He knocks on everyones heart and says ‘‘Let me in’’. 👍
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