If Jesus is fully human and fully divine, why is his body not a divine body? Or is it?

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The church teaches that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, but does he have a divine body? Has this specific combination ever been concerned?
A body is matter and it is created but because of the hypostatic union, Jesus is fully divine along with a body that was created at a definitive point in time.
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The church teaches that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, but does he have a divine body? Has this specific combination ever been concerned?
The glorified body of the resurrected Jesus Christ is what St. Paul calls a spiritual body. It has capabilities that our bodies, before a glorified resurrection, do not have such as being able to pass through walls.

1 Corinthians 15
44 It is sown a natural body: it shall rise a spiritual body. If there be a natural body, there is also a spiritual body, as it is written: 45 The first man Adam was made into a living soul; the last Adam into a quickening spirit. 46 Yet that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural: afterwards that which is spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, earthly: the second man, from heaven, heavenly.
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The body was and is a human body, but it retained the hypostatic union with the divinity, even in death when the soul (which also remained joined to the divinity) was separated from the body.

For this reason, in the bull Auctorem Fidei, Pope Pius VI affirmed that “the bloodless body of Christ during the three days of death, without separation or cutting off from divinity, was worthy of adoration in the tomb.”

Here’s an interesting Q&A about this from 1896 in the Irish Ecclesiastical record also addressing pieces of flesh or drops of blood that were separated from the body (go to page 1025 if the link doesn’t take you directly):

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We do not have our bodies, we are body and soul united. In the case of Jesus, he is body and soul united with his divinity. The body and soul are his human nature.

Normally the divine does not have a body. The Father does not, because he is present to everything that exists and a body would limit, shutting him off from what is not his body. Jesus transcends that limitation by dying and rising.
By being “fully human”, his physical body during his human lifetime was purely biological, just like ours.

When resurrected, his body was a “glorified body” that we look forward to for ourselves at the General Resurrection.
The glorified body of the resurrected Jesus Christ is what St. Paul calls a spiritual body. It has capabilities that our bodies, before a glorified resurrection, do not have such as being able to pass through walls.
Well, the guys at MIT discovered about a decade ago that if you get it to go fast enough, you can blast a ball bearing through a wall without making a hole.
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The church teaches that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, but does he have a divine body? Has this specific combination ever been concerned?
The Church.

He has a Divine Father and when Incarnated - had - via Mary - a human Body…
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