Even David in his great glory sinned. Solomon, Samson. Are young beautiful women that difficult to resist? Even the apostles failed. Peter denied Christ three times. Some of them doubted the resurrection even after seeing him walk on water, perform miracles (healing the blind, raising the dead). If sin is a choice, why can’t even the most faithful Christian stop sinning? Is it really that difficult to be a decent human being? The simple answer - Love God with your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. I understand venial sins. There is no excuse for losing your keys, losing your patience. Some people do not seem to see their own shortcomings. There is no excuse for that too. If there is no excuse for transgressing God’s law, why do people sin and why does God forgive us? There is no excuse for stupidity, ignorance, gossip. Why is it so hard for people to treat people the way they want to be treated?