If pro-lifers put out a video like this planned parenthood video we would be in JAIL!

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You won’t believe this video from Planned Parenthood… blowing up the opposition… decapitating them…

The video is called A Superhero for Choice… you can see it here:


Imagine if a pro-life group made this video…
After you watch it can someone tell me if we can do anything legally?:mad: Or better yet put this on the MSM to open peoples eyes about them!

This obnoxious bit of film has been out for awhile now, and it isn’t likely that we can put an end to it. I think that it is sufficiently obnoxious that it may actually hurt their cause. Needless to say, it won’t bother the hard core pro-aborts, but others may find it offensive.

You are right about what would happen to the prolifers if we did something similar. Afterall, they’ve even tried to use the Ricco law against us. It is an uphill battle that requires plenty of prayer and sacrifice. Hopefully, prolife people that see of this kind of thing will become even more energized against the culture of death.
If plannedparenthood doesn’t like publicity of this cartoon, we’ll make it public ourselves.

I don’t like putting an end to such films. remember
And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Thanks Lisa4Catholics
Okay you guys,do you want to do an e-mail campaign?Family and friends and pro-life groups then FOX and who ever else we can think of.We need to send this all over the internet and to the media and maybe even the Catholic Action League:mad: You know as abrasive as Mr.Donahue can be,boy he would be on MSNBC in a second and so would Pat Buchanon.

How do we start an e-mail campaign? How about sending this to Priests for Life?

How do we start an e-mail campaign? How about sending this to Priests for Life?
Yes,we e-mail Priests for life,the National Right to Life,any right to life group,Feminist for life,prolife lawyers,Pat Buchanon,Catholic Action League anyone we can think of and get our pro-life friends to do the same and anyone who can make a copy of that needs to MAYBE if enough people are outraged,especially with the recent terrorist attacks:nope: They could very well have a hard time with this one.
Geez louise… :eek:

No shame at all, have they?

Guess I’ll warm up the keyboard…
Thankyou you guys lets try to keep this bumped up.If enough people complain about this there true nature can be exposed:nope:
The cartoon is no surprise if you have followed the ‘pro-choice’ arguments. It’s only a small step from dehumanizing and killing unborn children to advocating the dehumanization and killing of those who speak for unborn children.
“But mostly,” Dian goes on, “I wish they would just disappear. Hey! That gives me an idea.”
Yup. She blasts them…
…with a condom gun. The anti-choicers are encased in condoms! Haw, haw!
Except that the gun doesn’t just encase the demonstrators in condoms…
…it blows them up.
“That’s more like it!” exclaims Dianysis. “Open for business!”
Hmm. Killing people because you “wish they’d disappear”. Isn’t that what pro-choice is all about?
We don’t need to make them look bad, they do it to themselves.
Hmm. Killing people because you “wish they’d disappear”. Isn’t that what pro-choice is all about?
We don’t need to make them look bad, they do it to themselves.
That is why I am empahatic on getting this out!If this were on a pro-life website(which would be a contradiction anyway),the media would have a field day as well as the arrests that would surely take place.
Dear friend

I’m not too sure of your legal system in America, but here in the Uk there is a common law ‘Incitement to commit a crime’

The Law Dictionary reads :

’Incitement to commit a crime is a common law misdemeanour, even though the crime be not committed. If the crime be actually committed, the person inciting is equally guilty, in the case of treason or misdemeanour, with the persons who commit the crime.'

’Misdemeanour: an indictable offence.All distinctions between misdemeanour and felony have been abolished and all indictable offences (including piracy) are now governed by the rules relating to misdemeanours (Criminal Law Act 1967, s1)
Indictable Offence: An offence which, if committed by an adult, is triable on indictment in the Crown Court whether it is exclusively so triable or triable either by Crown Court or the magistrates court (Criminal Law Act 1977, s.64(1)(a).)

What you have posted could be viewed as incitement, though a person would have to seek legal counsel to gain a fuller picture of the aim of these activities and how widely promoted they are and in the delivery of them to understand the mens rea of the person/s delivering such material into the public arena.

You may be able to receive such advice if you present this to a TV station for their comments and possible airing of this story and ask their legal department.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I’m not too sure of your legal system in America, but here in the Uk there is a common law ‘Incitement to commit a crime’
Interesting thought. Does anyone know if that would work legally here?
Hmm. Killing people because you “wish they’d disappear”. Isn’t that what pro-choice is all about?
Chillingly true.

This obnoxious bit of film has been out for awhile now, and it isn’t likely that we can put an end to it. I think that it is sufficiently obnoxious that it may actually hurt their cause. Needless to say, it won’t bother the hard core pro-aborts, but others may find it offensive.

You are right about what would happen to the prolifers if we did something similar. Afterall, they’ve even tried to use the Ricco law against us. It is an uphill battle that requires plenty of prayer and sacrifice. Hopefully, prolife people that see of this kind of thing will become even more energized against the culture of death.

I think this should firt be shown to all the Pro-Lifers, We should know just what kind of Demonic Hatred we are facing, and just what the Pro-Abortionists would do if they had control. YOu might also want to show this in Churches, esp. those where the pastors are undecided and “don’t want to get involved”.

There are some Pro-Aborts who are honest and want an honest political debate. This little piece from Golden Gate PP ( San Francisco) coupled with the reports of the horrid behavior of the Pro-Aborts towards the Pro-Lifers during the San Francisio Pro-Life March will offend those people as well as the “Fence Sitters” who think both sides have points. This will move some of them and force them to reconsider their positions.

It might also be good for someone to have the facts on Ethiopia and AIDS, and the activities of Planned Parenthood in Ethiopia, which has nothing to do with stoping the spread of AIDS and everything to do with encouraging and promoting Abortions. Someone might also want to mention that PP programs in Africa also do nothing about the Appalling death rate during Birth but only try to decrease the number of births by Abortions, which increase the death rate under the conditions in Africa.

The same holds true for the rates of transmision of STDs when people are using contraception v. being abstinent, esp. when they are being abstinent because of thir religion.

The more reasonable people see how unreasonable PP is, the more they will turn against them, esp. if there’s a reasonable alternative and esp. if we stick to the facts.

I’m sorry, but I don’t think there is anything in that vile piece of filth that is criminal or doesn’t fall outside the First Amendment. If you don’t trust this, link the video to Hugh Hewitt at hhewitt@hughhewitt.com

He teaches Constitutional Law at Chapman University, was Solicitor General in the Reagan Administration (After John Roberts) and has several other Con Law Specialists he can talk to.

I would recommend that everyone file complaints with the IRS - they made a point of saying they were NON-PROFIT at the beginning, and this video ADVOCATES a Particular Viewpoint and doesn’t just EDUCATE viewers as to the options. You should link the Video in with your complaints…

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
I just read about this out on WorldNetDaily ( article ). This “cartoon” is a terroristic threat against us who are pro-life.

Since Planned Parenthood accepts federal money, an eMail and phone campaign should be done to contact our Congressmen and Senators (although I do not think it will do any good with the Michigan Senators) to pull the plug on the funding.

I just read about this out on WorldNetDaily ( article ). This “cartoon” is a terroristic threat against us who are pro-life.

Since Planned Parenthood accepts federal money, an eMail and phone campaign should be done to contact our Congressmen and Senators (although I do not think it will do any good with the Michigan Senators) to pull the plug on the funding.

That is exactly why I think we need to get on this ASAP!
That is exactly why I think we need to get on this ASAP!
OK, where do we start? Do we all e-mail the same groups? I know we can call our senators individually, but are we going to mass e-mail Priests for Life, and other groups?
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