This obnoxious bit of film has been out for awhile now, and it isn’t likely that we can put an end to it. I think that it is sufficiently obnoxious that it may actually hurt their cause. Needless to say, it won’t bother the hard core pro-aborts, but others may find it offensive.
You are right about what would happen to the prolifers if we did something similar. Afterall, they’ve even tried to use the Ricco law against us. It is an uphill battle that requires plenty of prayer and sacrifice. Hopefully, prolife people that see of this kind of thing will become even more energized against the culture of death.
I think this should firt be shown to all the Pro-Lifers, We should know just what kind of Demonic Hatred we are facing, and just what the Pro-Abortionists would do if they had control. YOu might also want to show this in Churches, esp. those where the pastors are undecided and “don’t want to get involved”.
There are some Pro-Aborts who are honest and want an honest political debate. This little piece from Golden Gate PP ( San Francisco) coupled with the reports of the horrid behavior of the Pro-Aborts towards the Pro-Lifers during the San Francisio Pro-Life March will offend those people as well as the “Fence Sitters” who think both sides have points. This will move some of them and force them to reconsider their positions.
It might also be good for someone to have the facts on Ethiopia and AIDS, and the activities of Planned Parenthood in Ethiopia, which has nothing to do with stoping the spread of AIDS and everything to do with encouraging and promoting Abortions. Someone might also want to mention that PP programs in Africa also do nothing about the Appalling death rate during Birth but only try to decrease the number of births by Abortions, which increase the death rate under the conditions in Africa.
The same holds true for the rates of transmision of STDs when people are using contraception v. being abstinent, esp. when they are being abstinent because of thir religion.
The more reasonable people see how unreasonable PP is, the more they will turn against them, esp. if there’s a reasonable alternative and esp. if we stick to the facts.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think there is anything in that vile piece of filth that is criminal or doesn’t fall outside the First Amendment. If you don’t trust this, link the video to Hugh Hewitt at
He teaches Constitutional Law at Chapman University, was Solicitor General in the Reagan Administration (After John Roberts) and has several other Con Law Specialists he can talk to.
I would recommend that everyone file complaints with the IRS - they made a point of saying they were NON-PROFIT at the beginning, and this video ADVOCATES a Particular Viewpoint and doesn’t just EDUCATE viewers as to the options. You should link the Video in with your complaints…
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael