If someone doesn't want to pray the rosary is it a sin?

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I am a convert to the faith and I have attended few Tridentine Masses and I loved it. But I have heard some Traditional Catholics and the popular ones who says those people who don’t pray the rosary are not Catholics. I can tell many of us sometimes are lazy while praying the rosary.
And to be frank with you guys I have not prayed the rosary for 4 months rather than praying rosary I have a 300 knot prayer rope on which I pray the Jesus Prayer which has helped me to get out of my Depression. I have a 20 decade rosary and in night sometimes I pray it and I love it ? Please tell me that if I don’t like to pray the rosary is it a Sin ?
The story of the prayer rope goes back before the rosary?
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But I have heard some Traditional Catholics and the popular ones who says those people who don’t pray the rosary are not Catholics.
Absolutely false. The rosary is a treasured devotion of the faith, but that doesn’t make it everyone’s cup of tea. You are better served and more pleasing to the Lord when you follow prayer practices that are meaningful for you, whether rosary, LOTH, novenas, whatever.
The Rosary, while a commendable practice endorsed by the Church for ages, is an optional devotion. It’s up to you. St Therese of Lisieux didn’t particularly care for it, and hey, she’s a canonized saint.
No. In the East (with some exceptions) the rosary isn’t really a part of their spirituality. That being said, it’s not a bad thing TO pray the rosary (I pray it twice a day).
It is not a sin, you have a choice to pray rosary or not. But if you have found the grace of praying it, you will love it, and thats why so many catholics love it. also, Mary will give you peace after praying rosary, which will relieve your depression.
But I have heard some Traditional Catholics and the popular ones who says those people who don’t pray the rosary are not Catholics.
Are you sure they said that? Are you sure they didn’t say “it’s not very Catholic not to pray the rosary?”

I ask because, since almost all traditionalists have arrived at that position after a lot of research, I would be truly astonished if any of them were under the impression that praying the rosary was a qualification for being Catholic. Unless maybe they were very young and don’t know better.
I also sometimes pray my 20 decade rosary only for asking the Lord to help others in there life.
For myself I pray the prayer rope using Jesus prayers.
Thanks for answering
It’s fine if you want to pray using a prayer form other than the Rosary. Prayer rope, Scripture reading, meditating on the Crucifix, go for it, as long as you pray.

However, it’s not a contest between prayer forms as to “what’s been here longer”. Nobody cares about that.

Also, I’m not sure what you meant by this
I can tell many of us sometimes are lazy while praying the rosary.
but it’s not really your place to judge whether others are “lazy” in their prayer habits or not.
The who told me this are adults and one of them is a priest also . He said that rosary is a weapon which devil hates , I was okay with that but then he said those people who don’t pray the rosary are not Catholics . They are Catholics only by name not by faith .
For my case I was not praying the rosary for 4 month but I didn’t stopped praying . I became very lazy with rosary but when I started using 300 knot prayer rope it was helpful to me .
I am a Roman Catholic and I love rosary and prayer rope . Rosary evolved from woolen prayer rope like Pokemon. But it hit me when the priest said that.
I will tell you one thing I have no intention to hurt anyone sentiments but I have seen many people like that . If you are hurt by those words I am extremely sorry for that. When I use to attend the local parish (Novus Ordo) I have seen many people sleeping , dozing off when rosary prayers are started.
I’m not “hurt by your words,.” This isn’t about me. I couldn’t care less what you think of me or my prayers, I don’t even know you other than “random person on the Internet.”

I am simply saying, it’s not your place to judge other’s prayer habits. Focus on your own.
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The rosary is a beautiful, powerful prayer…but it’s not a requirement of the faith so it’s not a sin not to pray the rosary. Please don’t let other people tell you what constitutes a good Catholic and what doesn’t according to their own personal opinion. Stick to what the Church actually teaches. And…welcome home 🙂
then he said those people who don’t pray the rosary are not Catholics .
The priest is wrong.

The rosary is an optional devotion.

Anyone who’s had a Catholic baptism is a Catholic. The idea that a Catholic ceases to be a Catholic if they don’t pray the rosary is frankly absurd.

The non-recitation of the rosary does not have the power to make the Sacrament of baptism null and void.

Again, the idea is absurd.
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My question would be, what if it is assigned for penance?
Then you do it.

Similarly, if St Therese’s superior mandated that all of her nuns recite the rosary every day, I am quite confident that St Therese would have embraced the order in joyful obedience.
Indeed, just to affirm what others have said: what that priest told you - to suggest that people who don’t pray the rosary aren’t Catholic- is just absurd. The Dominican Rosary in its current form, is relatively new in the history of the Church. It is a wonderful grace-filled prayer, but it is not the only way. The Jesus prayer is equally grace-filled, and (I think), for some reason some people are able to find a closeness to Christ in that prayer they can’t find elsewhere.

And, by the way, the devil also hates the Jesus Prayer.

The Jesus Prayer Burns the Demons
Just pray!!! There are many prayers to choose from or use your own words. Just pray!!!
I attend Latin Mass most of the time and while most people there pray the rosary and I have many friends in the parish I have never heard anyone, including our priest, speak negatively about those who choose not to pray it.

Many people in my parish also make the total consecration to Mary annually and I this year I was invited to participate. That particular devotion has no appeal for me so I declined the invitation. They were ok with that.

These are personal devotions and not required by the Church.
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