If someone is contrite about some sins and not others, what happens?

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If someone were to pray for forgiveness and be contrite about some sins and ask for forgiveness of all sins while not being contrite about others, would God still forgive the sins you are contrite about and not those you aren’t or would he forgive none of the sins? Thanks
Yes 760 seems to apply.

Q. 760. Why cannot some of our mortal sins be forgiven while the rest remain on our souls?

A. It is impossible for any of our mortal sins to be forgiven unless they are all forgiven, because as light and darkness cannot be together in the same place, so sanctifying grace and mortal sin cannot dwell together. If there
be grace in the soul, there can be no mortal sin, and if there be mortal sin, there can be no grace, for one mortal sin expels all grace.
If someone were to pray for forgiveness and be contrite about some sins and ask for forgiveness of all sins while not being contrite about others, would God still forgive the sins you are contrite about and not those you aren’t or would he forgive none of the sins? Thanks
God is not your enemy. I think that’s the first thing we need to look at. Because even when we were enemies, He gave His only begotten Son for you.

That’s how much He loves you.

Reconciliation. We go to reconciliation to conform our conscience to His. It’s a process, doesn’t happen overnight.

It is your soul that is purified in the process. Not God’s love for you, not God’s forgiveness. It’s the preparation of your soul for life everlasting.

That’s my understanding anyway.
If you are asking for forgiveness for all your sins, it would mean you want to be contrite. So you’d be forgiven. God’s mercy is that great. This is why we have the sacrament of reconciliation because we often don’t get to the point of perfect contrition right away as the previous poster said it’s a work in progress. We ask for forgiveness in the sacrament, God gives us sanctifying grace which helps us get there some time in the future. But God being God forgives us then and there for he knows all things and is good. We don’t have to wait to be perfectly contrite. That’s why we Catholics have it easy really, the sacraments. Perfect contrition is not so easy on your own. Incidentally the mass also helps us to obtain contrition for our sins, by prayer before even getting to the sacramental part.
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