If no one disputes my conclusion that we can know that God must be converting the whole world by peaceful means (because it is right and just to always choose the best choice when there is a good, better and best and therefore since God must be the perfection of this idea and must choose the best, therefore the most peaceful means), is that silence not a backhanded confirmation that they believe this is possible and therefore they should pass this idea along so others can support and improve it and thereby demonstrate that they are trying to cooperate with God and not essentially saying, “God can do it on His own, I am too busy doing what I want to do so therefore I do not have time for a few clicks on the mouse to pass this along”?
I have a question for reporters and all peace loving individuals to give to all ISIS members in the hope they will ask their ISIS leaders to answer publicly. Will any leader opposed to ISIS actions publicly ask this question below of ISIS LEADERS?
ISIS members believe (or at least claim) that they are doing the “will of Allah” in what they are doing. How can this be really true? I, for one, can imagine a God so infinitely good, merciful, and powerful that He Wills to, and therefore must be, turning the whole world right side up to the one Faith He wants all to have without violating anyone’s free will, through verifiable evidence and His questions that He wants to give His answers to.
The Question:
Are ISIS members and their religious mentors going to publicly say I am wrong and publicly say that God cannot be so infinitely good, merciful, and powerful so as to turn the whole world right side up by peaceful means to the one Faith He wants all to have without violating anyone’s free will, through verifiable evidence and His questions that He wants to give His answers to, OR are they going to admit that God is doing what I say He is doing, turning the whole world right side up by peaceful means to the one Faith He wants all to have without violating anyone’s free will, through verifiable evidence and His questions that He wants to give His answers to, but they still want their followers to resort to violence, hate and murder in the name of “cooperating” with God’s plan of peace?
Should not all laity of all faiths do all they can to “help” all ministers of all faiths to publicly proclaim their belief that God is so infinitely good, merciful and powerful that He is turning the whole world right side up to the one Faith He wants all to accept and profess by peaceful means without violating anyone’s free will and therefore all should publicly renounce violent aggression and terrorism as a tactic in doing God’s Will?
Should all laity expect all ministers of all faiths to find and provide the verifiable evidence and related questions they believe God is using to bring all people to the one Faith God wants all to accept and believe?
Should all laity find the best verifiable evidence and related questions they can, post them on electronic media, and carry them on slips of paper in their wallets and purses to be handed to others whom they dialogue with, all in an effort to help people, in the security of their homes and hearts, to seek God’s answer and the one Faith He wants all to have without having to convince the person giving them the slip of paper?
I have a few starter questions on my blog eternalvisionfarmer.blogspot.com