When today we try to reason out things about our faith, like God’s omnipotence, transubstantiation, free will, etc , we are told by various members of this group that we, being human, are profoundly limited by our reason and intellect, and that we greatly overestimate your own knowledge and the accumulated knowledge of humanity. If all this is true, then why are we expected to put any faith at all in the teaching of Aquinas, and the other early Church followers. They were just as human and limited as we are today. And, considering the arguments both against and in favor of their opinions in both the early church and now, why are they given special consideration as if they were something special? Even Aquinas eventually stopped writing, saying something like…All of my writings are as so much straw… And remember that in his time straw was used for soaking up the mud in stables and dirt floored houses.