If you could live back in time..would you?

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i recently saw a movie, and it made me want to move back in time and live like the pioneers. With the community built buildings and homes, with a farm. Sewing your own clothes, wearing dresses going to church. No technology. I think it would be great!!

So do any of you feel the same? If you could live in the past would you?
You mean with no central air? And no modern plumbing? And no internet? No Way! 😉
And with half your kids dying before they reached adulthood?

If I lived back in the period that interests me (the middle ages), they’d DEFINITELY burn me at the stake.

So no.

I said yes becuase of the wonderful “with today’s medical technology” clause.

I think there are too many blurring of the lines today. I long for a simplier time. Even if that means I would have to give up the internet or cell phone.

🙂 Lilder
I saw this movie too, and my answer is maybe, with today’s medical technology.

My great-grandmother was one of the first women to be licensed as a physician. She practiced medicine in the western US for thirty years around the turn of the century. I inherited her diaries and books, and was fascinated by the notes and case studies. As a med student, I was a volunteer at the school’s medical history museum.

I have since worked as a surgeon in underdeveloped nations in Africa, the Middle East, and South America. This experience gave me a glimpse at what practicing medicine was like in my great-grandmother’s time and how difficult it was to diagnosis and treat minor afflictions that wouldn’t take me ten minutes to treat today.

I love “getting back to nature” and living off the land, and I can go without internet access (although it’s painful). I could adjust to life in another century/decade, but I wouldn’t want to without modern meds.
Nope. I desire what God desires of me… and He made me to live in THIS century… THIS time.

He’s got me right where He wants me. He’s got “things and stuff” that He wants for me to do. Right here. Right now. And that’s DEFINITELY “good enough” for me!
If I lived back in the period that interests me (the middle ages), they’d DEFINITELY burn me at the stake.
On second thought, I wouldn’t want to live too far back or else I’d be burnt at the stake, too!!

A few years ago, I caused a bit of a stir in a middle eastern country while trying to treat a woman suffering from a complicated pregnancy (female doctors where a big no-no). This was in the 1990’s and my male collegue later said the locals seriously wanted to stone me.
You mean with no central air? And no modern plumbing? And no internet? No Way! 😉
Not to mention Strawberry Pop-Tart blowtorches!!!


And Legos!! and temperature-sensitive vending machines that charge the user more money based on a hot day


And dumpster diving online!!


And Guess the Dictator!


Not to mention a Dialectizer to change the entire language used on any Website into a language of your choice!! Like: Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, Pig Latin, or Hacker.


… Yeh… there’s work for us here! 😛
I had always wondeerd about this and at first on impulse I would say Yes, BUT then thought about the ‘medical clause’. However, the medical clause would cause you to be burned at the stake, since your medical science would seem to be like ‘black magic’.

If I was born in 1861 instead of 1961 I would see developing industrial giant. True I would have escaped going to war…(too young for the Civil War and too old for WWI). Yet, materialism grows in leaps and bounds. I do not believe that the Catholic Church in America was seen favorable either at this time.
So I changed my final answer was NO.

go with God!
I saw this movie too, and my answer is maybe, with today’s medical technology.

My great-grandmother was one of the first women to be licensed as a physician. She practiced medicine in the western US for thirty years around the turn of the century. I inherited her diaries and books, and was fascinated by the notes and case studies. As a med student, I was a volunteer at the school’s medical history museum.

I have since worked as a surgeon in underdeveloped nations in Africa, the Middle East, and South America. This experience gave me a glimpse at what practicing medicine was like in my great-grandmother’s time and how difficult it was to diagnosis and treat minor afflictions that wouldn’t take me ten minutes to treat today.

I love “getting back to nature” and living off the land, and I can go without internet access (although it’s painful). I could adjust to life in another century/decade, but I wouldn’t want to without modern meds.
Thanks for sharing that! God bless you!
I would vote yes with today’s medical technology as well . Annunciata:)
In a heart beat I would… I would like to live in the 1800’s… I would love to be able to dress femine/like a women again… (Although, I do love my jeans…🙂 ) I would love to have the family life, where you worked hard together, prayed together, suffered together, celebrated together… I want to live in a time when it is all about the family, not society and the world around us…

Great topic! Although I will have to cut it here, otherwise I will go on and on and on… 😉

What I would really like to do is “time travel” and see things the way they were. I live near NYC and would love to see this area back in the 1600’s. But I would want to come back to the present.

And imagine going back to the Holy Land when Jesus was among us?
How funny this poll comes up now…

My friends get together every week for Mom’s Day…most homeschool and some have kids in the local Catholic school. Those that have kids around bring them and they play while we talk.
The topic this week ended up to be the End of Times…what would happen if a catastrophic world event caused the infrastructure to fail and we all had to be self-sufficient again. Like pioneers.
What we would miss the most was the air-conditioning and heat…
What we would love to be rid of was the TV (excepting EWTN & good shows) and all other manner of distraction, abortion providers and the peddlers of flesh by men’s magazines…bars etc.
Provided we even made it (big IF), we thought it would actually end up being less stressful than today’s lifestyle…we figured some of our husband’s would do better than others…
We also discussed that it would be much easier being born into a simple society than thrust into one. They knew HOW to do everything and survive…we figured it would take a million+ bucks just to set a modern family up to BE self-sufficient today. Think of it-the well pumps, find a place with a spring, get a huge crop going, tools, farm animals, a place to put them, fences, education to figure it all out, horses, buggies, feed, (most of us would have to move into a more simple yet practical home for the no electric thing/w/fireplaces in every room?), a loom?, there is so much people would need…
I always used to think I’d want to live back in those days until we dwelled on all the back breaking work there was…

Shelby Grace
When we were kids we played variations of this game–“In the Middle Ages, but only if I was a knight!” “In ancient Rome, but only if I was rich” etc. But I am a more eschatological adult–I love the idea that the Second Coming might be soon!!!
the idea of the second coming, kinda freaks me out, to tell you the truth. I wouldn’t mind not having a penny on me…I’m living that way now anyway (I do pay the rent, bills etc). I think the back-breaking work would be rewarding because all the work you are doing, you are living off of it. growing, raising food, sweing clothign blacnkets, building barns, homes. I think it would be rewarding. If the second coming was to happen and we were to be self-sufficient, i think I’d do fine…right now, if it were 50 years from now, i dont think I’d do too well.
I know I was born in the wrong millenium, but I accept it must have been for a good reason.
I agree with the poster who mentioned time traveling. I am a big history and literature buff, so going back in time to experience a different era would be fascinating. I would love to hear how Shakespearian and Chaucer’s English really sounded. I would love to be in the Holy Land at the time Jesus. It would be interesting to know what he really said and did.

I would never want to live in the past. Sure, family was important, but people were much less tolerant. Think of living with racism and hatred of the “other” as a normal part of life, not something that most people are ashamed of. Think of being a woman in the past. You couldn’t vote. You were thought of as little more than chattle. I am part Irish, and there were signs posted on doors saying that Irish and dogs weren’t allowed in during the 19th and early 20th century.
ok, how about if we reverted to older customs, like family values, sustaining ourselves, less dependency on other people. If you could farm, build your own house and live like they used to in the past, maybe in a small farming community, without all the racism, early death, disease etc. would you? could you live with out technology (other than medical)?
It sounds like you are describing an Amish existence. They live with very little technology, but I think they do accept modern medical care. They have strong communities.

I think you are romanticizing the past. I have gone to many live reenactment museums. I also watched Pioneer House. A woman’s life was spent next to a very hot stove–even in the summer. She had to wash clothes by hand and worked from sun-up to sun-down.

I love reading the Little House books to my children. The descriptions of evenings together with Ma and Pa are certainly charming. I think not having television made families closer, but we can easily do that today. Get rid of your TV.

They also had to deal with Native Americans threatening their homes because they had literally stolen the land from them. The modern conveniences are great, and I think I still have family values.
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