I saw this movie too, and my answer is maybe, with today’s medical technology.
My great-grandmother was one of the first women to be licensed as a physician. She practiced medicine in the western US for thirty years around the turn of the century. I inherited her diaries and books, and was fascinated by the notes and case studies. As a med student, I was a volunteer at the school’s medical history museum.
I have since worked as a surgeon in underdeveloped nations in Africa, the Middle East, and South America. This experience gave me a glimpse at what practicing medicine was like in my great-grandmother’s time and how difficult it was to diagnosis and treat minor afflictions that wouldn’t take me ten minutes to treat today.
I love “getting back to nature” and living off the land, and I can go without internet access (although it’s painful). I could adjust to life in another century/decade, but I wouldn’t want to without modern meds.