If you gotta hold of the Devil, what would you do to him?

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I know, it sounds silly, but i was asked this, so if you gotta hold of the devil, what would you do. Me i would get him, slap him around a few times, and tell him, you put temptation in front of me, and i HATE you. Maybe i am being a little to Hard.
Hehe… that’s not too bad for him; He may be used to it! He lives in Hell where that sort of things go on everytime, right?

Me? I’ll give him the worst possible torture – pray the Rosary next to him! 👍 Now, THAT he can’t handle!

“I shall put an enmity between you and the woman.”
You can’t tell him he is bad because HE IS. So if you told him he was a ‘good little boy’, would he be offended? If he got offended he may like that! an enigma of sorts.

Force him to make the Sign of the Cross and then push him off a high dive into an olympic sized pool of Holy Water!

go with God!
Ignore the rotten son of a…gun. That must be very frustrating for him after all he goes through to get our attention. It’s also safer than getting into a fight, his being a superior, angelic being and all. Although I would be interested to see if the pool full of holy water would boil when he touched it! 😉

Ask him if he still lives in Hollywood.
. . . or whether he’s hoping to move to Washington, DC if his guy wins.
Personally, I’d kill him. But that’s not the way to go. I like the suggestion offered above, I’d pray the Rosary in front of him. Now that I think about it, life really does seem that he’s right here in front of me. What should I do about it right now? Just to torture him for what he’s done to Our Lord and to me personally, I should be praying the Rosary right now. Maybe that’s why St. Pio prayed the Rosary perpetually each day. He had physical assaults by the devil. I hear he would pray something like 30 or 50 Rosaries each day! We have an example to follow.
Me? I realize I don’t have nearly enough strength to “get hold of the Devil” for very long at all. Since he’s temptation and evil in it’s purest form, I would probably be barraged with every attack he can throw at me…guilt, despair, remind me of my sins and exaggerate my imperfections.

I couldn’t possibly handle him myself…that’s why I’d leave it to Jesus Christ to strike him down…and hopefully keep Satan away from me as far as possible. :cool:
nothin’, he’s there for a reason… maybe kill him with christian kindness…
I think I would show him all the good that was being done in the world. I would showw him all the positive people, and show him how he isn’t as effective as he thinks.
i’d say to him, “look, satan, you’re a real creep. you need to loosen up a little… you’re always so into your evil and junk, ok, big bad man with your horror and spooky stuff… we get it, you’re big bad and spooky… and all that worn out BS, chill out… the runing of souls has to get old after a while, i mean, you can’t exaclty do anything with all these souls, and if torturing is your thing, well that’ll get old after a while. so have a fresca, rent a few DVDs and leave these nice humans alone. you’re doomed to damnation for all eternity, don’t go hanging your head trips on us, loser.”

then i’d wash my hands. he’s probably filthy. i don’t see satan as the bathing type.
I would make him eat one of our Knights of Columbus pancake and ham breakfast’s ---- that’d teach 'em! 👍
I would tell him I’m not afraid of him because Jesus is much stronger than he is.

I would tell him I’m sorry that he will have an eternal life separated from Our Lord because nothing could be worse.

And when he tries to tempt me, I think of it as him knocking at the door, so I just look to my Savior and say “Jesus, would you get that for me?”
I’d steal his CD collection. After all, they say the Devil has all the best music, right?
I like all the answers given, because they were on the lighter side and made me 🙂 .

I cannot possibly see myself tangle with the Devil, he is too powerful an entity. I would immediately turn to Jesus, Mary, and the most powerful angel, St Michael the Archangel, who already once threw him into hell.

After the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Apostle Creed, I would say the following prayer:

Prayer to St Michael

St Michael, the Archangel
Defend us in battle
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him, we humble pray, and
Do thou oh Prince of Heavenly Host
By the power of God,
Cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits
Who prowls around the world like a roaring lion
Seeking the ruin of souls.
I cannot possibly see myself tangle with the Devil, he is too powerful an entity. I would immediately turn to Jesus, Mary, and the most powerful angel, St Michael the Archangel, who already once threw him into hell.
Well, the question presupposes you could do whatever you wanted to the devil (you had the power and authority to do it)

Me? I’d say “St. Michael, let me borrow that spear for a minute. C’mere satan…poke…down that hole satan goes!” and then seal it up tight so he couldn’t get out. Then ask for an army of angels to guard the hole to hell so satan couldn’t get out.

Then throw a major party as evil is vanquished from the world, praising God for doing this.

Of course, this would never happen. We are required to fight the devil using the best possible weapon: God’s Grace.
Ummmmm… I think I’d probably freak out. Then, I just might die of fear.
Ask him what his motivation is. I’ve always wondered this. If we can see the truth of Love why is the devil blind to it?

Troubles me.
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