So true. I go through periods where I think that it is (1) good. At least those on CAF care enough to self-identify as Catholic in an online social forum. To inquire, to debate, to share, to learn, to think about the Catholic faith. Must mean something. I mean 2 out of 10 Catholics regularly to go Mass right? Does this include the ‘average’ Catholic? Or not?
(2) bad. CAF and other more extreme Catholic forums do seem to attract/breed a kind of traditionalist (to use a neutral phrase) fanaticism (not so neutral) in some participants that is probably a good thing for the ‘average Catholic’ to steer well clear of. IMHO. (not to mention the ‘serious Christian’) Not to let off our modernist, open liberal ‘Catholic’ enthusiasts either, ‘don’t ever let that dogma get you down’, cloud your vision, and so forth…