IF you want to have a deeper life with God , read my post

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I want you to all know its been great to find a site like this , with so many wonderful and special people on it. My heart feels your warmth, your knowledge and most espically your love for God and people through written words. its seems there is so much hungar on this site to grow in the wisdom, the love, the boldness and the POWER of our GOD. iTS GREAT TO BE CATHOLIC!!

With that said I wanted to contribute some things that have helped me in my walk with our God and Father, our Lord and Master our comfortor , and our friend.

My best advice I can give you is to constantly read the lives of the saints . Why because they are the perfect role models on the christian life. We should be devoring books like the imitation of christ written by st thomas akempis, story of a soul by st therese of liesux, the eastern churches classic Philokalia,the confessions by saint augustine,the way of salvation and perfection by st alphonsus,the presence of GOD by brother lawerence,and of course we should always be feeding upon the words of sacred scripture for ignorance of scripture is ignorance of christ says saint jerome. Of course there tons of books you can read about other saints that are just as good and might be more tuned in with your cirumstances in life but i just really enjoy these books . Not to mention the Early church fathers.

by reading these books we have the perfect model of what it takes to live the christian life, there is so much wisdom in these books, they will show us exactly what we need to do, what is required , they are those who walked before us. we need to model there behavior in all things, model there behavior in prayer, in fasting , in church attendence, in worship in love. heck if you can only do half of what they did , think of the heights you will have soared too. We can do it because they didnt do it in there own power, they did it through the power of the HOLY GHOST!!! , We lean upon him for POWER, for BOLDNESS, And most of all for LOVE! We must become the warriors God has called us to be, and the best way ive found is to model the lives of the saints.

So I exhort you brothers and sisters in the faith to take up there example as a guiding light, look at there passion to follow our Lord and model them.

my second advice to you is to find a good spiritual director, this is Key. We all need a coach, an advisor , to keep us in Line. because as we all know we will stray sometimes, so we need someone who is mature in the faith to help us and guide us into the correct paths. I really exhort you to seek out a wise and mature in the faith priest . There calling is to shepard the flock , so let them shepard already!!!

If we can do these two things your faith life will definatly grow .

God bless you all in the Faith of Christ , that you may all be bonded together in the spirit of love . Amen
Dear friend

Thank you I enjoyed your post. I’m looking forward to reading any more you post and welcome to the Catholic forums where I hope you find peace and fellowship and I pray you discover the fullness of your faith in your lifetime. May our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary walk with you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree whole heartedly. My children and I sit down and read a story of a saint every evening from one of those “Lives of the Saints” type books. My oldest (he’s seven) decided today that he wanted some chapter books becuase he wanted more info and to know more than the little one or two pages these books tell you. So we went to a books store so he could pick some out. He is very excited. I love it too becuause I am learning more about some saints than I ever knew previously. And it does help have a deeper life with God.
How lucky are the people in your life to know you. I’m also glad you found this forum! You have helped me already. Thanks for the book references too.
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