Ignatius Study Bible, Collected Version?

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Above is a link to the “Luke” volume of the Ignatius Study Bible.

I am a big fan of the RSV-CE, and a big fan of Scott Hahn, the editor of the series, and a big fan of Ignatius, the publishing company.

I am wondering if anyone knows if Ignatius plans on collecting all the volumes together later, into one book?

The Protestants have study bibles out the wazoo, so far Catholic have had to content ourselves with the (excellent, but unwieldly) Navarre series, or the (boringly translated) NAB study bible.

I like the layout and the size of the Zondervan NIV study bible:


Sooooo… Ignatius, how about a Catholic answer? (Get it? Catholic Answer?)

It’s my dream to have a compact Catholic study bible with the RSV-CE text, and notes refering to the writings of the Saints, the official teaching of the Church (CCC) and personal application notes, as well as apologetical notes.
I find the Ignatius Study Bible to be maybe a high school level reference work. I like your idea better. The ISB is content-poor by my reckoning. Nothing WRONG with it; just not enough OF it. I want more patristic references.
What are your thoughts on The Catholic Study Bible (New American Bible)?
I find the Ignatius Study Bible to be maybe a high school level reference work. I like your idea better. The ISB is content-poor by my reckoning. Nothing WRONG with it; just not enough OF it. I want more patristic references.
what, please, would you recommend for college level work? please, please, please don’t say the new jerome’s commentary…

i am also a big fan of the isb, and dr. hahn. and yes, they plan on binding all of them when they finish. that should be at the front of your booklet.

does anyone know of a parallel text version of the catholic bible, septuagint and nt greek?

What are your thoughts on The Catholic Study Bible (New American Bible)?
No offense to NAB fans (are there any?) but I just really really dislike the NAB. The translation seems to have had all the life squeezed out of it. The study notes are ok, but there’s not enough of them.

I haven’t had a chance to look through all the Ignatius Study Bible yet, so this lack of notes isn’t something I was aware of, though it DID strike me as strange that (according to the Ignatuis website) the Gospel of Matthew is 100 pages… while the Gospel of John is only 53. 53 pages?! For John?!

Imagine it folks, a study bible like the Navarre, but with more diverse quotes (the large majority of the Navarre quotes come from St. Escrima) and patristic quotes, with CCC notes as well, and apologetical notes.

“No, it would be the size of a truck!”

Well, the Protestants have done it with their study bibles, again, look at the link to the Zondervan one up at the top of the thread… Half of each page is notes, and yet they were able to make it a nice portable size.

Oh, I wouldn’t say “I’m a fan” of the NAB. I have one, as well as some other translations.

Saw your note about the Ignatius Study Bible and am curious. I assume RSV-CE stands for Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition? If so, wasn’t aware there is one; and, so, have learned something new.
Saw your note about the Ignatius Study Bible and am curious. I assume RSV-CE stands for Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition? If so, wasn’t aware there is one; and, so, have learned something new.
You are correct. RSV-CE is, in my opinion, the best translation available to English speaking Catholics. It is beautiful, and as far as I know, accurate. The language is dignified, and literary, and holds closely to the King James Version, which has so strongly impacted the English language.
Thanks, BENGEORGE. I’m getting a copy of the RSV-CE. It, alongwith the CCC, ought to suffice for now. Later, might consider the ISB or some of Scott Hahn’s writings.
I like the layout and the size of the Zondervan NIV study bible:

The NIV is reader friendly, but it still has protestant bias. “Hail, highly favored one” over ,“Hail, full of grace.” Translating brothers of the Lord over breathren of the Lord. At least their translation of Deuteronomy 18:10-11 is more literal, vs the NASB. And their translation of 1 Corinthians 4:14-15 will certainly silent the “How can you call priests father, when the Bible says ‘call no man father?’” garbage.

It also does not have the Deuterocanonicals, at least there are versions of the KJV with them in it. Or you can buy a seperate little book, as I did, titled KJV apocrypha. King James included the “apocrypha” in their translation as did the RSV. The NIV did not.
The NIV is reader friendly, but it still has protestant bias.
Oh without a doubt. The study notes are even more biased. I was just using the Zondervan NIV study bible as an example of the layout and formatting I would like to see. There are simply NO Catholic study bibles with the depth of Navarre or ISB that are available in a compact form.

This I blame on a certain Catholic disregard for indepth scriptural study.
I find the Ignatius Study Bible to be maybe a high school level reference work. I like your idea better. The ISB is content-poor by my reckoning. Nothing WRONG with it; just not enough OF it. I want more patristic references.
I must agree with Mercy Gate with stronger desire for great depth of theology and philosophy when examining a study resource. However, I seem to remember that Dr. Hahn commented about this new study resource prior to its release specifically stating that it was written for those who had difficulty with using such resources as the Navarre Bible.

I may be wrong, but I think that the ISB was specifically written to be “simple” in language of content, but not lacking in the quality of content.

Thank God that we are finally getting some very excellent resources for proper study of the Scriptures. 🙂

No offense to NAB fans (are there any?) but I just really really dislike the NAB. The translation seems to have had all the life squeezed out of it. The study notes are ok, but there’s not enough of them.

I haven’t had a chance to look through all the Ignatius Study Bible yet, so this lack of notes isn’t something I was aware of, though it DID strike me as strange that (according to the Ignatuis website) the Gospel of Matthew is 100 pages… while the Gospel of John is only 53. 53 pages?! For John?!

Imagine it folks, a study bible like the Navarre, but with more diverse quotes (the large majority of the Navarre quotes come from St. Escrima) and patristic quotes, with CCC notes as well, and apologetical notes.

“No, it would be the size of a truck!”
Not if it were on a computer program – that’s another place the Protestants have us beat hollow. There are TONS of Bible freeware out there – none of it Catholic except a couple freewares with the Douai-Rheims version.
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