Intentional adoption of a criminal lifestyle is not the behavior we would expect from desirable residents of the USA.
Some contributors to this forum seem to be uncomfortable calling illegal immigrants criminals and labeling their conduct as criminal behavior. OK, for this post I will try to refer to unlawful behavior. Criminal behavior or unlawful behavior, it means the same to me. Just as some people call it abortion and others call it women’s rights, that is the same to me too.
Illegal immigrants are guilty of many forms of unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to enter the US without permission. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is certainly not illegal to work at a job, but it is against the law for an illegal immigrant to work at a job in the US. To do so is unlawful behavior.
Lying, cheating and stealing are immoral behavior and also many times are illegal behavior.
It is illegal to lie about your eligibility to work on the I-9 form that is required of all workers regardless of status. It is illegal to present false credentials to an employer. The I-9 warns the applicant/employee and states federal law provides for penalties of imprisonment and/or fines for presenting false documents. It also says right on the form that the penalty of perjury applies if you lie about your status.
These are not trivial infractions. They are serious offenses against the law with major penalties for the guilty.
To deliberately attest in a written legal document with your signature as confirmation to the truth of the information while knowing the statements to be false is not a minor fib. It is an intentional and malicious lie. It is immoral and wrong as well as unlawful behavior.
The Church teaches it is wrong use immoral means to seek any ends, no matter how desirable those ends might appear in the eyes of the seeker. Illegal immigrants are guilty of such conduct when they use intentional and malicious lies to seek or retain a job.
Other examples of wrongful acts are:
It is illegal to use someone else’s social security card or number. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to drive a vehicle without a valid drivers license. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to not pay self-employment taxes and required income taxes. To do so is unlawful behavior.
The list can go on and on and all such behavior is wrong.
All of these examples demonstrate the voluntary and ongoing unlawful, many times immoral, lifestyle adopted by illegal immigrants, and I have no qualms about calling it a criminal lifestyle
Here is a link to more information about illegal immigrants and crime titled “Illegal Immigration is a Crime”.
Some contributors to this forum seem to be uncomfortable calling illegal immigrants criminals and labeling their conduct as criminal behavior. OK, for this post I will try to refer to unlawful behavior. Criminal behavior or unlawful behavior, it means the same to me. Just as some people call it abortion and others call it women’s rights, that is the same to me too.
Illegal immigrants are guilty of many forms of unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to enter the US without permission. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is certainly not illegal to work at a job, but it is against the law for an illegal immigrant to work at a job in the US. To do so is unlawful behavior.
Lying, cheating and stealing are immoral behavior and also many times are illegal behavior.
It is illegal to lie about your eligibility to work on the I-9 form that is required of all workers regardless of status. It is illegal to present false credentials to an employer. The I-9 warns the applicant/employee and states federal law provides for penalties of imprisonment and/or fines for presenting false documents. It also says right on the form that the penalty of perjury applies if you lie about your status.
These are not trivial infractions. They are serious offenses against the law with major penalties for the guilty.
To deliberately attest in a written legal document with your signature as confirmation to the truth of the information while knowing the statements to be false is not a minor fib. It is an intentional and malicious lie. It is immoral and wrong as well as unlawful behavior.
The Church teaches it is wrong use immoral means to seek any ends, no matter how desirable those ends might appear in the eyes of the seeker. Illegal immigrants are guilty of such conduct when they use intentional and malicious lies to seek or retain a job.
Other examples of wrongful acts are:
It is illegal to use someone else’s social security card or number. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to drive a vehicle without a valid drivers license. To do so is unlawful behavior.
It is illegal to not pay self-employment taxes and required income taxes. To do so is unlawful behavior.
The list can go on and on and all such behavior is wrong.
All of these examples demonstrate the voluntary and ongoing unlawful, many times immoral, lifestyle adopted by illegal immigrants, and I have no qualms about calling it a criminal lifestyle
Here is a link to more information about illegal immigrants and crime titled “Illegal Immigration is a Crime”.