Illinois Bills Would Overturn Blagojevich Rule on Pharmacists, Morning After Pill

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Looks like they are trying to override the Gov. Blagojevich’s order that stripped Pharmacists of any rights in the state:
Illinois Bills Would Overturn Blagojevich Rule on Pharmacists, Morning After Pill
by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 26, 2006

**Springfield, IL ( – **Lawmakers in the Illinois state legislature have introduced three separate bills that would overturn a mandate put in place by Gov. Rod Blagojevich that forces pharmacists there to dispense any legal drug, such as the morning after pill. His rule has resulted in the firing of pro-life pharmacists who don’t want to give out drugs that can cause abortions.

The measures would allow pharmacists to opt out of dispensing the drugs so they’re not forced to violate their moral or religious beliefs.

Full Story
Now. Do they have the votes to pass and override the expected veto.

Looks like they are trying to override the Gov. Blagojevich’s order that stripped Pharmacists of any rights in the state:Now. Do they have the votes to pass and override the expected veto.

Laws and bills such as these break my heart its just going to push this particular pill to be sold over the counter where anyone at anytime can buy them without a DRs prescription. such a shame
No, they don’t have the votes. This Blagojevich Contraception order may just be the thing that saves his job. It is incredibly popular with the voters (+70% approval). He on the other hand is not so much.

In fact, the only realistic choice the GOP has to win the gov race is if the pro-choice, gay-friendly Topinka gets the nomination. She’s only behind Blago by 8%. He’s beating the rest of the field like rented mules.
No, they don’t have the votes. This Blagojevich Contraception order may just be the thing that saves his job. It is incredibly popular with the voters (+70% approval). He on the other hand is not so much.

In fact, the only realistic choice the GOP has to win the gov race is if the pro-choice, gay-friendly Topinka gets the nomination. She’s only behind Blago by 8%. He’s beating the rest of the field like rented mules.
::sigh:: Unfortunately,this is right on the money.
The Gov’s at it again. Now he wants signs posted at every pharmacy telling women what to do if the pharmacist won’t fill their “emergency contraceptive” prescription.
The Gov’s at it again. Now he wants signs posted at every pharmacy telling women what to do if the pharmacist won’t fill their “emergency contraceptive” prescription.
Hey, if a woman wants to buy this pill, and they are not being sold it by some right wing pharmacist, and they have a legit reason to buy it, then id want to know what to do aswell.
Hey, if a woman wants to buy this pill, and they are not being sold it by some right wing pharmacist, and they have a legit reason to buy it, then id want to know what to do aswell.
Yes, because, as Rod tells us, this is a matter of rights to our medications; and a woman who wants the morning after pill has as much of a right not to be denied her pharmacuatical as I have to obtain my cough medicine in order to kill my baby with.
On a related topic, recent studies, such as this one and this one (warning: PDF), have cast doubt on the assertion that the morning after pill prevents implantation.
From today’s Chicago Sun-Times, this brief:
Crackdown on pharmacists
After learning of tactics by some pharmacists to get around a rule that prohibits pharmacies in Illinois from refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, Gov. Blagojevich on Monday announced steps to ensure that women have access to them. The state plans to require every drugstore to post a sign listing the options available to customers who cannot get their prescriptions filled. Also, the state is sending letters to all pharmacies and pharmacists reminding them of their obligations under the Pharmacy Practice Act, which requires state pharmacists to fill all federally approved birth control prescriptions if the drugs are in stock and a legal prescription has been presented.
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