Illinois - Have You Called Your Legislators Today?

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Here’s a list of dangerous pieces of legislation that our liberal Illinois politicians will be trying to jam down our throats this session. Having lost all sense of right and wrong, human decency, and justice that these public servants are supposed to adhere to, they want to make us pay for destroying innocent human beings, corrupt our youth, take away parental rights and impose all kinds of moral turpitude on us in the name of the law.

Host of Evil Bills in Illinois

Just listen to this and then do what you can to rectify it and make sure these atrocities don’t become Illinois law. Call your legislators, write them, get in touch with their mothers, their grade school teachers, their pastors, their wives, even their children. But do something!

Appeal to whatever good might still be buried in their souls and their consciences, because here are the bills their trying to enact:
  • HB 138 and HB 139 to make us give $25 million dollars for embryonic stem cell research and the cloning of human beings in order to get their parts
  • HB 115 to force HPV Vaccine on all minor girls
  • HB 317 to repeal the 1995 Parental Notification Law and allow a minor girl to get approval for an abortion from virtually anyone except her parents—a distant relative, a friend, a minister of any kind, a doctor, you name it
  • HB 1077 to allow Plan B to be sold to minors over the counter
  • SB 85 to allow same-sex partners to receive death benefits, and
  • SB 362, that would allow state health insurance to cover same-sex partners.
    All of these proposed laws show just how sick our General Assembly is.
Call your Illinois State Senator and Representative to object to these proposed bills, but be polite, because people without a conscience are very touchy and get angry easily. I know from experience. The Springfield phone is 217-782-2000. To get your representatives’ phone numbers call 630-790-8370.
Ha! I lost Mike Frerichs email address but I had his wifes, so I emailed her and asked her to forward it on to Mike. Darn him, I warned him I would kick his butt if this stuff came up like this.

Bill Black’s office is probably sick of hearing from me, but he is really nice and helpful. I will be calling him next!
I called Bill Black’s office and they were nice as usual. Rep Black is supposed to be getting back to me. I love dealing with his office… they are polite to a fault.
No, many people care. I just sent this out to 500 people on my email list. I would encourage everyone else to do the same.

If anyone would like to post sample letters they are sending out or let us know about your legislators responses – please post them here so we can keep the discussion going.

Vote No! On House Bill 317: Keep Parental Notification!!!

House Bill 317 creates the so-called Adolescent Health Care Safety Act. In fact, this legislation repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995. **It purports to replace or refine parental notification, but it does neither! **

Under Section 25, a minor seeking an abortion may waive the notice requirement. This undermines the whole object of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. There is no notification requirement (parent or otherwise) if this bill passes. NONE! PERIOD!

And even if notice was required under this legislation, it would not necessarily include parents or legal guardians. The very first sentence in the bill’s legislative findings substitutes “adult family member or clergy” for parent or legal guardian. Then look at the definitions for “adult family member or clergy”:

Ø ADULT FAMILY MEMBER: a person over 18 who is the parent of the minor; a step-parent married to and residing with the custodial parent of the minor; a legal guardian of the minor; or a grandparent, sibling, step-sibling, aunt, or uncle of the minor.

Ø CLERGY: “Clergy” means a practitioner of any religious denomination ordained or otherwise accredited by the religious body to which he or she belongs.

Aunts, uncles, siblings, step-siblings or clergy members ARE NOT PARENTS! They have neither the responsibility nor the same interest in a child’s life. A parent or legal guardian’s judgment and role cannot be substituted, and we should not look for political means to obviate or undermine a parent’s role in their children’s lives.

If parental abuse has taken or is taking place, the current statute allows for waiving the notice and/or a judicial bypass is available to relieve the notice requirement and allow the minor protection of the law. These are sufficient protections.

Regardless, House Bill 317 is a sham! It repeals, rather than requires, any notification of an adult, parent or otherwise. Vote No on House Bill 317 and allow Illinois’ Parental Notification of 1995 to stand!


Contact information of state senators and representatives can be found at …

or go to the Catholic Conference of Illinois at…

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