I'm a tiny bit concerned

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Some of you know I have this “cross” of attention deficit disorder (ADD).

I was telling some people in another group about it and how going to Mass, praying, etc. gives me peace, hope, etc. despite the “cross”.

One told me that ADDers are highly spiritual and more compared to normal people (that is, people without ADD) and with a “higher moral values among a general population”.

That kind of concerned me because I thought faith and all that was a Gift from God! In other words, if what they said was true that ADDers are highly spiritual - as if God had nothing to do with it - then that must mean that it wasn’t a Gift! See what I mean?

I’m trying to say is I thought God is the One who gives a human the Gift of Faith and sprituality whether they have a disorder or not!

Don’t tell me just because one’s brain is “different” from normal people that they are just automatically “more spiritual.”
Some of you know I have this “cross” of attention deficit disorder (ADD).
I was telling some people in another group about it and how going to Mass, praying, etc. gives me peace, hope, etc. despite the “cross”.
One told me that ADDers are highly spiritual and more compared to normal people (that is, people without ADD) and with a “higher moral values among a general population”.
That kind of concerned me because I thought faith and all that was a Gift from God! In other words, if what they said was true that ADDers are highly spiritual - as if God had nothing to do with it - then that must mean that it wasn’t a Gift! See what I mean?
I’m trying to say is I thought God is the One who gives a human the Gift of Faith and sprituality whether they have a disorder or not!
Don’t tell me just because one’s brain is “different” from normal people that they are just automatically “more spiritual.”
First of all, I wouldn’t look too much into what that person said unless he has some kind of statistic or something to prove it. Even it is true though, it doesn’t take away from the fact that faith is a gift from God. God doesn’t hold the gift of faith back from anyone if they honestly ask for it. So, maybe people with ADD have some kind of tendency to look deeper into spiritual matters than people without it (even though that sounds kind of odd to me). Do you see my point? If a certain group of people are more apt to ask for the gift of faith, then it makes sense that they would be more apt to receive the gift of faith. Hope this helps.
The gift is offered to everyone equally. Some choose to take it, some choose to ignore it. Maybe having ADD makes you more open to accepting the gift somehow. I’m grasping at straws here, but an ADD person has to make an effort to focus and pay attention. So in making that effort maybe they are more in a position to tune into their spirituality. Maybe those of us without ADD don’t make the special effort to meet God where He is.

I don’t know. I would just take it in stride. Maybe he was trying to get you to see your ADD as a gift rather than a cross. Many Saints have born their crosses with great pleasure and considered it a gift to have to do so.

Keep doing the things that bring you peace.

Dear friend

Who laid hands upon this person and made them an authority on matters of faith and the gift of faith?

This is simply one persons opinion, speculation and repetition of rumour or modern thinking and postulating that doesn’t account for the Providence, Glory, Mercy, Kindness, Love and Might of God.

It would be more productive, wise and prudent to consider that those who suffer most in any way shape or form whether it is mentally, physically or spiritually are drawn to God in a special way because they already walk the road of Calvary to the Cross with our Lord Christ Jesus whether they possess faith or not (if not they simply don’t recognise the road they are walking nor Who walks beside them…think of the road to Emmaus in Sacred Scripture) and those who deeply suffer in any way will search to find and make sense of their suffering asking over and over …why?..and there is nothing nor anyone ever to have lived in all of human history who makes sense of suffering, but Christ Jesus. This is a special call to faith from God, to deeply partake in His suffering and if a soul seeks hard enough they will arrive at Jesus upon the Cross by God’s grace, but not all who suffer answer this call nor seek faith. God calls all of His own to Him and none are ever taken out of His hand.

No suffering of any kind befalls a soul without God allows it and it is always allowed for the benefit of that soul and other souls, still we are allowed our fiat.

Now you know what to do with this ‘gem’:rolleyes: of advice from this well meaning soul you know. and your concern is for no good reason, faith is not dependant on anything, but God’s grace, no illness, no set of circumstances, no angel, no demon, no person, no organisation, it all depends on God’s grace and the embracing and receptiveness of it by the soul God bestows His grace upon.

Everything, absolutely every single thing; our life and in our life including faith, is gift from God. Everything is gift from God and if anyone says anything different then they speak out of ignorance rather than malice.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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