Im having a Dry Spell

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I don’t feel like saying my prayers at night anymore, or doing anyhting like that. I say to myself “There is no God, lets move on”. I have been sinning alot and i don’t know what to do. Will someone please help me. I don’t even get excited about church anymore. 😦
Times of doubt are times when you must truly persevere in prayer – you are going through a lot and you need to go to confession.

When I have slipped and fallen into mortal sin - I feel like a radio with no attenae. I normally can feel the presence of God when I pray – but when I am in mortal sin – I am alone in a void and without God.

Please, go to confession. It sometimes takes a few times to overcome the sins that sent you there, but the grace you need is in this wonderful sacrament.

Ask the saints to pray for you. Pray a Rosary – St. Therese never found the Rosary to be her favorite devotion, yet she prayed it daily. Our Lady is tremendous help when we need her Son.

Pax et bonum,
The sinning is probably connected to the dryness in prayer. It may even operate like a vortex, spiraling down. You are in a tough spot and I will pray for you.

If the sin is a typical young male sort of one, then you should look at your environment and work on controlling it a bit. For example, if you are sitting alone in your room for several hours with nothing whatsoever to do, that leads to big trouble. Boredom is trouble. Find some way not to be in that situation with nothing to do. Go to bed tired. Say your prayers a bit earlier, and out of the bedroom.

God is there, but sometimes we become afraid, or worry that He seems like He isn’t answering. Having concerns does not mean that you are saying there is no God. Don’t give up!
I just went through a spiritual dessert, I felt alone.

Then I reached an oasis and enjoyed it. I have reached the grasslands now and I realize that I want to go back to the oasis, being faithful to God but questioning myself and my faith, but not if God is real or not. The best thing to do is find an oasis and stay there, kind of like isolating yourself from the world, yet becoming closer to God while you are alone. Take some time for you and God and you shall therefore become stronger in faith.
Jesus gave us the sacraments to help us in difficulty, not the forums. Some very caring individuals have shared their struggles, now is the time for you to go to Jesus for the answer, get in that confessional as quick as you can, He is waiting for you.
It is when we are struggling that we need to persevere the most. It is when you are doubting the Faith that you need to pray the most. When we are going through a period of dryness, rather than stop praying, stop reading God’s Word, etc… we should do these things even more.
I don’t feel like saying my prayers at night anymore, or doing anyhting like that. I say to myself “There is no God, lets move on”. I have been sinning alot and i don’t know what to do. Will someone please help me. I don’t even get excited about church anymore. 😦
I just responed to this in another thread but I’ll respond again for you because it looks like you want to chuck it all and you want someone to tell you why not… so hang on to that thought! and here goes!

Sins Against the Holy Ghost
  1. Presumption of God’s mercy.
  2. Despair
  3. Impugning the known truth.
  4. Envy at another’s spiritual good.
  5. Obstinacy in sin.
  6. Final impenitence
As you can see you fall into a few of those categories

Please recognize that you are removing yourself from God and you MUST immediately do something!

Start by reflecting on exactly who God is! and what exactly you OWE Him. Realize that you are losing the gifts that were given to you and make the supreme effort to get them back!

Prayer for the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost

O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven did promise to send the Holy ghost to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples deign to grant the same Holy spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and apsore only after the things that are eternal, the spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit of Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing god and gaining heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know god and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, the spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and my dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of Your true disciples and animated me in all things with Your Spirit . Amen

Just think how fortunate you are that you are able to share your feelings on this board - how many out there find themselves in the exact position and do nothing about it, talk to no one and consequently go deeper into their sin until they eventually leave the Church. Take the advice of those here and save your soul! We can not count on having a change of heart before death!

God Bless and God speed in your journey closer to Him!
Here’s what worked for me:

Go to and go to documents
Go to audio and type in Groeschel

Listen to a few of his series.

Visit the Blessed Sacrament and “just listen”

Listen to some more of Father Groeschel’s tapes.

Keep doing this until you are inspired to go to confession.

Once you go to confession you will be entering your rainy spell and it will feel wonderful! Start “Singing in the Rain”! God love you!!
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