Im no longer aloud to evangelize!

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I’m age 16 and I’ve always been in debate with people from other religions such as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Protestants etc. My mother thinks I’m going too far with debating and defending my faith, and she’s telling me to just keep my mouth shut when one attacks the Catholic church. My question is, is this something I should do? How can I just let somebody sit there and attack my faith while I’m quiet? I’m proud I’m converting to Catholicism and I want to share the faith with others, but how is this possible when my mother does not like me evangelizing? I feel like its a sin to avoid sharing the faith with others. Any advice or statements?

Thanks and God Bless,
Hi there! I’m a young person, too. 😉 Now, for your mother, you have to obey her. It’s a commandment, after all. Evangelization is vitally important though. You should have a talk with her and explain to her how important Evangelization really is. Nothing is more important than helping people to find the truth in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. God bless. 🙂
Does your Mom object to your evagelizing or the way you are going about it?

It is fine to defend the faith, but one must be sure not to be antagonistic.

In my experience, my actions always speak louder than my words, so I try to remember the words of St. Francis of Assisi-
“Preach the gospel at all times, use words when necessary”. 🙂
Does your Mom object to your evagelizing or the way you are going about it?

It is fine to defend the faith, but one must be sure not to be antagonistic.

In my experience, my actions always speak louder than my words, so I try to remember the words of St. Francis of Assisi-
“Preach the gospel at all times, use words when necessary”. 🙂
She objects it period. She is not Catholic by the way. When I was Protestant it did not matter, but I guess since so much of the people we know are anti Catholic, she may be in fear? She just said to keep it to myself because its no ones business.
She objects it period. She is not Catholic by the way. When I was Protestant it did not matter, but I guess since so much of the people we know are anti Catholic, she may be in fear? She just said to keep it to myself because its no ones business.
It is a good possiblity that she is doing this because she is fearful-
no mother wants to see her child get hurt.

I also think that you need to take this slow.
We are all called to evangelize, but that does not mean beating people over the head with doctrine & rules. (not saying this is what you are doing) and as I said in my previous post- actions tend to speak much louder than words.

As you become more mature in years and in the faith, you will learn when to speak and when to stay silent. In the mean time, learn all that you can about the faith so when you are called upon to use words, you will know that the words you speak are truth.
It is a good possiblity that she is doing this because she is fearful-
no mother wants to see her child get hurt.

I also think that you need to take this slow.
We are all called to evangelize, but that does not mean beating people over the head with doctrine & rules. (not saying this is what you are doing) and as I said in my previous post- actions tend to speak much louder than words.

As you become more mature in years and in the faith, you will learn when to speak and when to stay silent. In the mean time, learn all that you can about the faith so when you are called upon to use words, you will know that the words you speak are truth.
Thank you ma’am!

God Bless,
One thing that you can do to help your evangelism is not only engage yourself in the doctrines, practices, and dogma of the Church but also do the same thing with the other sects of Christanity and with the other faiths of the world. Understand where others are coming from and take into consideration that others may be just as passionate about their faith as you are about yours. Not only will others appreciate your well-roundedness but you’ll gain so much from your studies. This does NOT mean you need to agree what others teach. It simply means that you’re mature enough to show you can keep your faith while understanding and appreciating other’s faiths.

It’s one thing if someone attacks your faith and you defend it but it’s another thing if you go out looking for fights. One way to show your faith without appearing antagonistic is through your actions. After all actions speak louder than words, right? 🙂

I am not saying that you should stop preaching the word of God or the teachings of the Church. Far from it. Like others that have posted I’m here to help you and guide you to become a mature Catholic
Hey Bvmfatima,

I understand what you mean. I debate once in a while with people. I find that many people become very defensive, even if they know you are right, they do not want to admit it. I learn alot when I debate, and sometimes I find flaws in my own debates. Ultimately, when debating, many people experience different kinds of emotions. Some will become defensive, others become angry and frustrated…the list goes on. For me, I enjoy **intellectual **debates…ALOT…but sometimes I stop myself because I would know the other person might not take it well or they would understand my point in a wrong way.

If you enjoy debating as a hobby, join your debate club in school 😃
The best things you can do, is pray for them. You can not have a flower without it starting as a seed. You can plant a seed in a heart and be patient for it to grow. This seed can only be planted with loving action through faith 🙂

God bless you! Wish you all the best in school, ahh I myself should be studying right now :crying:

I’m age 16 and I’ve always been in debate with people from other religions such as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Protestants etc. My mother thinks I’m going too far with debating and defending my faith, and she’s telling me to just keep my mouth shut when one attacks the Catholic church. My question is, is this something I should do? How can I just let somebody sit there and attack my faith while I’m quiet? I’m proud I’m converting to Catholicism and I want to share the faith with others, but how is this possible when my mother does not like me evangelizing? I feel like its a sin to avoid sharing the faith with others. Any advice or statements?

Thanks and God Bless,
As a young person who is also focused on evangelization, I share your concerns. The best thing you can do is respect your mother and, when in her presence, take any attack against the Church or Our Lord for the time being silently and pray for those who commit such acts. For example, when people blaspheme I make the sign of the Cross.

Now, when not in her presence, I would argue that you should continue to defend the faith, but with charity for those who you speak to. I am not saying you don’t do this, but it is good to remember.

You always can share the faith; whether in word or in deed. Let your actions mirror the Gospel which you have been saved with and let it mirror Our Lady who knows your struggle and prays for you. Be gentle, but focused. Do not antagonize your mother, but don’t let her end your evangelism when she is not around. This is my opinion.
I’m a young theologian of sorts I suppose. I get into debates with people sometimes - though it’s almost always on the internet. I’ve never been in your situation though, where my parents are of a different faith than I. Because of that, my advice should carry little weight, but my advice would be to request some more courtesy from those you find yourself debating with, given that your mother doesn’t want you to be debating. Though you’re at an age of fair independence, it is most always best to comply with reasonable wishes from your parents - and from their perspective I assume it would be reasonable. So I would ask any frequent offenders politely to stay off the subject, if it comes up, and avoid all antagonistic (“going on the offense”) approaches.
Of course you should still evangelize. (though prudence may dictate that you don’t do so in front of your mother)
As a young person who is also focused on evangelization, I share your concerns. The best thing you can do is respect your mother and, when in her presence, take any attack against the Church or Our Lord for the time being silently and pray for those who commit such acts. For example, when people blaspheme I make the sign of the Cross.

Now, when not in her presence, I would argue that you should continue to defend the faith, but with charity for those who you speak to. I am not saying you don’t do this, but it is good to remember.

You always can share the faith; whether in word or in deed. Let your actions mirror the Gospel which you have been saved with and let it mirror Our Lady who knows your struggle and prays for you. Be gentle, but focused. Do not antagonize your mother, but don’t let her end your evangelism when she is not around. This is my opinion.
👍 mine too, this is just the advice I would give you.

BTW I am very impressed that a young person like you is so keen on his faith. Many graces and blessings are on you, thanks of course, to Our Lady:) who has you right there under her mantle.

My favourite book is The Glories of Mary by St Alphonsus de Liguori. It’s a ‘must have’ for anyone devoted to her, something of an encyclopedia about her. In fact, I predict he will become one of your favourite saints. Being a lawyer before he renounced everything worldly, this comes across in the precision of his thought when writing, but at the same time he is almost unequalled in his very outspoken love of Our Lady - a very interesting combination. I’ve learnt a lot from him, but after all, he is a Doctor of the Church and wrote a great many books, including a huge treatise on Moral Theology.

There was a Fr Hardini that was sharing a hermitage in the hills with St Charbel. It is told that he only had two books with him for that whole time, the Divine Office (breviary) and this book!👍
I’m age 16 and I’ve always been in debate with people from other religions such as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Protestants etc. My mother thinks I’m going too far with debating and defending my faith, and she’s telling me to just keep my mouth shut when one attacks the Catholic church. My question is, is this something I should do? How can I just let somebody sit there and attack my faith while I’m quiet? I’m proud I’m converting to Catholicism and I want to share the faith with others, but how is this possible when my mother does not like me evangelizing? I feel like its a sin to avoid sharing the faith with others. Any advice or statements?
Thanks and God Bless,
My friend;

There are MANY issues here to be considered.

TALK to your priest or pastor in private ASAP. Until yo do and get his advice DO as your MOTHER desires. DO NOT be angry with your mom. Even by phone if necessary.

PRAY much!
My friend;

There are MANY issues here to be considered.

TALK to your priest or pastor in private ASAP. Until yo do and get his advice DO as your MOTHER desires. DO NOT be angry with your mom. Even by phone if necessary.

PRAY much!
DO as your MOTHER desires.
Catholics have a duty to evangelize.
=devoutchristian;10336343]Catholics have a duty to evangelize.

When We KNOW our Faith. What; How and WHY

When WE LIVE FULLY and publically



and WHEN WE DO IT AS GOD presents us the opportunites to do so. Amen.👍

God Bles you:D
The Church is missionary in nature therefore evangelize and defend the faith but, don’t be jerk about it…
You may have heard they old saying, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” Perhaps this is why your mother has instructed your to keep quiet? Obviously, I don’t know this to be true, but it might serve you well to ask yourself this question.

The purpose of evangelizing is to inform others. Others aren’t likely to receive what you have to say very well if its done in a heated debate. This is true of most of us, I would think. Besides, there are many ways to share your faith. Living life in such a way that people around you can’t help but notice something is different about you is one way. Let the life you lead be a living witness for your faith. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for open and frank discussions about your faith. However, if your goal is for your words to be received well you will want to use discernment to determine when, where and how this should be done. As some of the others here have mentioned, the ability to do this will come more easily as you mature more spiritually.
It is a good possiblity that she is doing this because she is fearful-
no mother wants to see her child get hurt.

I also think that you need to take this slow.
We are all called to evangelize, but that does not mean beating people over the head with doctrine & rules. (not saying this is what you are doing) and as I said in my previous post- actions tend to speak much louder than words.

As you become more mature in years and in the faith, you will learn when to speak and when to stay silent. In the mean time, learn all that you can about the faith so when you are called upon to use words, you will know that the words you speak are truth.
I agree. I became a Catholic and a Christian became of the good example of others, not because someone preached to me. I watched a volunteer at my Catholic school revere the Holy Eucharist and admired her devotion. I watched my classmates and teachers live holy lives.
Your mother is an authority figure and you should generally obey her (at least until you are an adult).

Jesus Christ is the greatest authority in your life and you should always obey him.

Your mother tells you to stop evangelizing.

Jesus Christ tells you to evangelize the world.

You go out into all the world and make disciples of all nations just like the great commission says. But you might want to start with your Mom.
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