Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the Tilma. Was it damaged?

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If you notice at the top of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, it appears to have been cut off.

At some time was it burned or damaged or vandalized?

If not, might there be an explanation for an “incomplete” image?
Someone probably cut off the top of the picture when taking it. I have family members who consistently cut off the top of peoples heads when taking photos. 😉
Good timing–I just finished reading The Wonder of Guadalupe by Francis Johnston. It was published in 1981 Tan Books & Publishers, so it doesn’t acknowlege Saint Juan Diego’s canonization. I’d recommend it to those who are interested in learning more about the image, since it goes into the historical settings around the apparition, as well as a chapter called “The Verdict of Science” which describes all of the anaysis the image has undergone…with no scientific explanation offered other than it has to be a Divine image of Our Lady!

Anyway, here’s a quote from that book: “The tilma of Juan Diego comprises two straight lengths of ayate fibre sewn together in the center and woven so coarsely that when viewed close-up it appears to be almost transparent. During the sixteenth century the garment was gut down to the size of the image, which measures 66"x41”. The Figure of Our Lady is 56" tall…" (p. 116)

Also of note: “*1791: The sacred image is miraculously preserved from destruction when nitric acid, used to clean the gold and silver fram, is accidentally spilled across the delicate fabric of the picture, leaving nothing more than a watermark.” *

"November 14th, 1921: Further miraculous preservation of the sacred image when a bomb, exploded beneath it by anti-religious Government agents, did not even crack its glass cover.

Cool, huh?
is there already a thread that talks about the eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe? it’s one of the coolest things i’ve ever heard.
Cool, huh?
You betcha, Stephanie! Thanks
yes, thanks! i’ve posted to that link, which is in the ‘apologetics’ forum, if anyone wants to follow the discussion over there.

Could this be the thread you mentioned?

Has anyone been to the Basilica in Guadalupe? I have not (yet!) but would really like to make a pilgrimage. I was able to visit a relic of the tilma when it traveled near my area…

Our Lady of Guadalupe is such a powerful patroness!
Yes, I have been there. It was an awesome experience. I felt as though Our Lady of Guadalupe was looking down on me from that image. (Won’t our separated brethren have a field day with that one.) There is a conveyor belt that carries pilgrims by the image. I kept returning to ride the conveyor again and again, I guess so that she’d noticed me. I think she noticed the poor nut that wanted to be noticed. Mission accomplished!

What also impressed me was the love and devotion of the Mexican people.

In the old cathedral there was a case with the candlesticks that had been near the image under glass when a bomb exploded. They were melted and deformed but the fiber cloth with our Lady’s image was untouched.
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