I’ve been reading a bit from the Summa, and a book about Thomas Aquinas (Chesterton’s), and I have become quite impressed with the man.
Now, I’m the type of person that likes to be able to have a face to relate my thoughts to, so I did a google for “St. Thomas Aquinas”, yet there are a number of paintings that are somewhat different, and I was just wondering if anybody know of any “authentic” images og the Angelic Doctor…
I like this one: irc.na.cnr.it/pub/CI/IMAGES/STOMMASO.JPG
But I guess its from his younger years, if authentic at all…
Anyone wanna help me out with my strange problem?
I’ve been reading a bit from the Summa, and a book about Thomas Aquinas (Chesterton’s), and I have become quite impressed with the man.
Now, I’m the type of person that likes to be able to have a face to relate my thoughts to, so I did a google for “St. Thomas Aquinas”, yet there are a number of paintings that are somewhat different, and I was just wondering if anybody know of any “authentic” images og the Angelic Doctor…
I like this one: irc.na.cnr.it/pub/CI/IMAGES/STOMMASO.JPG
But I guess its from his younger years, if authentic at all…
Anyone wanna help me out with my strange problem?
- CB