Immaculate conception & Saturday vigil mass

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I have a confusing thought going in my head. Last night my parish offered 1 mass at 7 announcing it as Mass for the immaculate conception so I attended knowing it was a holy day of obligation. But once I arrive and Mass starts, the priest says that because of the time of the mass (7pm) it also counted for today (sunday). I saw a tweet earlier that day that this was a two for 1 holy day of Obligation. And Mass went on, they read the readings and gospel form today Sunday as if it were a Saturday vigil mass. I’m confused as to if I missed the immaculate conception precept and fulfilled sundau Obligation or if Sunday Obligation has not been fulfilled.

Fyi I still plan on attending Mass later today
Since there are two separate obligations this weekend you should attend two separate Masses.
Well what was confusing was that yesterday Mass was celebrated as the second Sunday of advent and not the readings for the holy day of Obligation
The readings are irrelevant to meeting the obligation. A Mass on Friday evening or anytime Saturday meets the obligation for the Immaculate Conception. A Mass Saturday evening or anytime Sunday meets the obligation for Sunday. Meeting the obligation is based on WHEN you go to Mass, not what readings you hear. (Though ideally you would hear different readings for the different obligations.)
Well what was confusing was that yesterday Mass was celebrated as the second Sunday of advent and not the readings for the holy day of Obligation
When there are two adjacent solemnities (in this case, Immaculate Conception on Saturday and Sunday on, well, Sunday), the prayers and readings for any liturgy on the evening of the first solemnity (Saturday) is determined by which one is a higher rank in the calendar. Sundays of Advent always outrank celebrations of Our Lady. Therefore, once the liturgical time for vespers arrives on Saturday, the prayers for Sunday are in effect.
Last night my parish offered 1 mass at 7 announcing it as Mass for the immaculate conception so I attended knowing it was a holy day of obligation. But once I arrive and Mass starts, the priest says that because of the time of the mass (7pm) it also counted for today (sunday).
There are two obligations – the holyday and the Sunday obligation. That Mass could fulfill either of them – but not both, simultaneously. So, you would still need to go to another Mass this weekend, but that one could act as a ‘wildcard’ – either IC or Sunday, as you needed it.
Readings are not relevant to the obligation.

Going Saturday night could fulfill either, not not both at the same time.

So, if you went last night and again today, you fulfilled IC yesterday and Sunday today.

If you’d gone on Friday or or earlier on Saturday for IC, then Saturday evening could have fulfilled your Sunday obligation.
we had friday nite vigil for the amm curate conception of mary then vigil for sunday mass on Saturday nite
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