Immaculate Heart Prayer

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I’ve been very much devoted to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart for some time now ever since she saved my life in a car accident ealier this year. I pray the Green Scapular prayer everyday (this is what helped save my life BTW) But I came across the prayer “Sweet Heart of Mary be my Salvation” and I must say I’m a bit confused by it what is the meanng or point to this prayer? :hmmm: How can the Immaculate Heart be our Salvation I was taught Salvation was/is Jesus’ Sacred Heart.
Oh Stars that is so interesting that you posted this! Because just recently I purchased a Chaplet of the Sacred Heart and one of the prayers is “O Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation” and I’ve been praying that God would show me what that meant, because like you, I know that only Jesus can be our salvation.

I don’t really know what it means to be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, either, I’m just now learing about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and praying the Chaplet.
Howdy! Try to find a copy of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Both God and Our Lord chose to work through Mary. God can work without Mary but He chose to work through Mary. Mary was present at the first miracle of Our Lord, and was present at His birth (of course) and at His death (at the Cross). God has rewarded Mary for her incredible humility, and “she has authority over the angels and the blessed in heaven” (# 28 from book). Mary has dominion over the souls of the elect (# 37). God worked and works through Mary partly to give us a chance to unite our human wills to God, that is, to avoid imposing on our free will: God chose to save us through a creature. When we receive Our Lord in the eucharist, we are receiving what Mary contributed in effect. Union in Christ is union through Mary.
“Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation” is poetic language, Catholic shorthand if you will. Catholics know that Christ is our salvation, but we also know that Mary leads us to Christ. By praying that Mary’s heart be our salvation, we are effectively praying “Mary, by my devotion to your immaculate heart, lead me to the sacred heart of Jesus.”
Howdy! Try to find a copy of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Both God and Our Lord chose to work through Mary. God can work without Mary but He chose to work through Mary. Mary was present at the first miracle of Our Lord, and was present at His birth (of course) and at His death (at the Cross). God has rewarded Mary for her incredible humility, and “she has authority over the angels and the blessed in heaven” (# 28 from book). Mary has dominion over the souls of the elect (# 37). God worked and works through Mary partly to give us a chance to unite our human wills to God, that is, to avoid imposing on our free will: God chose to save us through a creature. When we receive Our Lord in the eucharist, we are receiving what Mary contributed in effect. Union in Christ is union through Mary.
FrmrTrad, since I won’t be reading that book anytime soon, most likely, due to a stack of books already waiting and limited funds and library availability, could you share what the sources are for the author declaring Mary “has authority over the angels and the blessed in heaven" (# 28 from book). Mary has dominion over the souls of the elect (# 37).”?

I find, at first glance, the concept of this to be anathema, although as a convert to the faith, there are many areas as yet unexplored.

Thank you.
Howdy! Try to find a copy of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin by St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
Here ya go. An internet copy. This work by St Louis de Montfort does a fabulous job at explaining the role of Our Blessed Mother and how She brings us closer to Her Son.

Who knows? Maybe after you read it, you may be divinely inspired to make the consecration. I will pray for you.
I’m not sure about FrmrTrad’s book, but St. Paul says that we will all have authority over the Angels:

:bible1: “Do you not know that the holy ones will judge the world? If the world is to be judged by you, are you unqualified for the lowest law courts? Do you not know that we will judge angels?” 1 Corinthians 6:2-3

As for Mary’s “dominion over the souls of the elect”, she is the Queen of Heaven, which is made clear in Revelation. Notice that this is over the elect only. In other words, she does not have dominion over whether or not souls are saved, but once they are saved, as Queen of Heaven it could be said that she has some authority.
What is the green scapular prayer? I have the green scrapular but don’t know much about it, I heard it is very powerful for conversions.
What is the green scapular prayer? I have the green scrapular but don’t know much about it, I heard it is very powerful for conversions.
The Green Scapular
The Green Scapular is a powerful weapon in obtaining conversion through the Blessed Virgin Mary’s assistance.

The scapular does not need to be worn like the brown one does. It needs no enrollment either, like the brown.

The scapular does need to get blessed. And you must have faith.

For those people in need of conversion and unreceptive to the idea of the scapular, you can hide the scapular in someone’s belongings, closet, matress, car seat (where all loose change goes).
Then someone needs to pray the daily prayer of the Scapular, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” If the person is unreceptive and you have hidden it , you will need to say this.

Our Blessed Mother has worked many miracles in conversions by this devotion.
Hope that helps.
I find, at first glance, the concept of this to be anathema, although as a convert to the faith, there are many areas as yet unexplored. Thank you.
Get the book. It’s a fast read. The source of Mary’s role is humility, and God’s relationship to Mary, and ours. Mary is the restorer of the human race–the people connection. The link someone provided is not to this book, by the way; I don’t think it’s online. (Also that web site discourages participation in the Pauline rite of mass, and is thus a quasi-schismatic site offering false theology to the faithful.)

Pope John Paul II approves highly of St. Montfort’s theology.

A good web site to check out is
I came across the prayer “Sweet Heart of Mary be my Salvation” and I must say I’m a bit confused by it
It’s more than poetry! When you pray this, you are giving your assent not just to salvation, not just to what God has done for us out of His goodness and love, but also to the way in which He chose to act for our benefit. He chose to work through a creature, and through humility. You are also accepting that the elect have a treasure of graces among themselves, i.e. the Church has a treasury of graces, which is added to by the faithful, of whom the foremost is Mary, as she said yes to God. You are accepting that Mary is a perfect model of faith. You are acknowledging through this prayer that God’s creatures can truly be a benefit to each other: secular humanists don’t really see this. They see each other as units to be controlled and manipulated, and understood outside of revelation. The beauty of the Church is clearer as the role of Mary is clearer. She takes no glory away from God, but rather is His crowning creature.

Consider: St. Montfort suggests this point: As God gathered the waters and called them maria, so he gathered the graces and called them Maria.
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