Yes, seriously. Something which is structured is made of parts in specific order and they are distinguishable. Suppose you have the knowledge of A and B, where A and B are whatever, two theorems for example. How could you distinguish the difference between them if they are shapeless?
First of all, the definition of God in Catholicism is not faulty. It is your logic that is.
Two theorems do not require shape to be distinguished any more than true or false need shape to be distinguished. Distinction of concepts does not require form or shape.
I’ll give you the opportunity to prove your point. Here’s the Pythagorean theorem:
c^2 = a^2 + b^2
What’s the shape of that theorem? How much space does it occupy?
Here’s another, this time a boolean postulate. There’s the AND truth table.
Same questions. What’s the shape of that knowledge? I can easily distinguish between the concept of the Pythagorean theorem and the AND truth table, and I can go on to include the OR truth table, the NOT truth table, the XOR truth table, as well as the NAND and NOR. What are their shapes? If they had a shape, you can easily identify that, even if the shape is irregular.
We are talking about concepts here, not shapes or form. You’re trying to take the Catholic definition of God’s not occupying any space and use a faulty premise to “prove” that God somehow cannot have knowledge and therefore cannot exist as per the Catholic definition.
Well first of all God’s knowledge is not the same as human knowledge. Man structures his knowledge because in his limitations within time and space, he needs to organize it for better recall and use. God is not like that. God is absolute simplicity, and so is his knowledge. In fact, Catholicism correctly defines God as not merely having knowledge, but is in fact Knowledge itself. Because God is Existence itself, there is no structuring or distinction of concepts within him. There is only one eternal Object of his knowledge, and that is himself. His knowledge of everything anything that exists is all eternal to him, all present to him, since God is not subject to time. Divine Knowledge, like God himself, is absolutely simple, and is therefore not subject to structure. In fact, this Knowledge is so simple and Eternal that this is a key concept in the dogma of the Trinity, as this is how the Son is generated. Like God himself, his knowledge has no parts.
Therefore, your argument is still erroneous and is to be rejected. And thanks to your clarification earlier, we now also have to reject P4 as erroneous as well, because you have effectively limited it to knowledge in the temporal sphere, which is not the same as define Knowledge in the theological sphere.
P4: Knowledge is structured: This is true only in human knowledge which is by nature limited and linear. It does not form part of the Catholic definition of God’s knowledge, and is therefore rejected.
P4: Knowledge has shape. This remains rejected. Even in human knowledge, concepts such as truth values do not have shape. They may have values, which allows for distinction, but that’s not form or shape, as truth does not occupy space.
With two premises shown to be incorrect (P4 as not fitting the Catholic definition for the sake or argument, and P5 as simply wrong), the argument remains erroneous.